d2a {str2str} | R Documentation |
Data-Frame to (3D+) Array or Matrix
converts a data.frame to a (3D+) array or matrix. This function assumes
the data.frame contains 2+ variable dimensions, which will correspond to the
returned arrays/matrix dimensions. One or multiple variables can contain the
elements of the returned array (only one variable can contain the elements for
returning a matrix). In the case of multiple variables, they will be binded as
the last dimension in the returned array with dimnames equal to the variable names.
d2a(d, dim.nm = names(d)[-ncol(d)], rtn.dim.lab = "el_nm", check = TRUE)
d |
data.frame with at least 3 columns, where 2+ columns are variable dimensions and 1+ columns contain the to-be returned array/matrix elements. |
dim.nm |
character vector of 2+ length specifying the colnames in |
rtn.dim.lab |
character vector of length 1 specifying the dimlabel to use
for the last dimension in the returned array when there are multiple element columns
in |
check |
logical vector of length 1 specifying whether to check the structure
of the input arguments. For example, check whether |
is a wrapper for reshape::cast
with the addition of reordering
the dimnames by position, which sorts the dimnames by the position they first
appear in the variable dimensions of the data.frame (reshape::cast
all the dimnames alphabetically).
(3D+) array or matrix formed from the dimensions d[dim.nm]
dimlabels = dim.nm
(and rtn.dim.lab
if there are multiple element
columns). The dimnames are the unique elements d[dim.nm]
and are ordered by
position (rather than alphabetically), which allow for conversions back to the
original array after a call to a2d()
or matrix after a call to m2d()
# 3D array
d <- reshape::melt.array(HairEyeColor)
a <- reshape::cast(d, Hair ~ Eye ~ Sex)
identical(a, unclass(HairEyeColor)) # not the same as HairEyeColor
d <- a2d(HairEyeColor)
a <- d2a(d, dim.nm = c("Hair","Eye","Sex"))
identical(a, unclass(HairEyeColor)) # yes the same as HairEyeColor
# matrix
attitude_mat <- d2m(attitude)
d <- m2d(attitude_mat, col = 0)
m <- d2a(d)
identical(m, attitude_mat) # yes the same as attitude_mat
# correlation data.frame example for p-values using psych::corr.test(attitude[1:3])
# corr_test <- psych::corr.test(attitude)
# a <- lm2a(corr_test[c("r","se","t","p")])
r <- matrix(c(1.0000000, 0.8254176, 0.4261169, 0.8254176, 1.0000000, 0.5582882,
0.4261169, 0.5582882, 1.0000000), nrow = 3, ncol = 3, byrow = FALSE)
se <- matrix(c(0.0000000, 0.1066848, 0.1709662, 0.1066848, 0.0000000, 0.1567886,
0.1709662, 0.1567886, 0.0000000), nrow = 3, ncol = 3, byrow = FALSE)
t <- matrix(c(Inf, 7.736978, 2.492404, 7.736978, Inf, 3.560771,
2.492404, 3.560771, Inf), nrow = 3, ncol = 3, byrow = FALSE)
p <- matrix(c(0.000000e+00, 1.987682e-08, 1.887702e-02, 5.963047e-08, 0.000000e+00,
1.345519e-03, 0.018877022, 0.002691039, 0.000000000), nrow = 3, ncol = 3, byrow = FALSE)
a <- abind::abind(r, se, t, p, along = 3L)
dimnames(a) <- list(names(attitude[1:3]), names(attitude[1:3]), c("r","se","t","p"))
d <- a2d(a = a, col = 3)
a2 <- d2a(d = d, dim.nm = c("X1","X2"))
all.equal(a, a2) # dimlabels differ
dimnames(a2) <- unname(dimnames(a2))
all.equal(a, a2) # now it is true
# correlation data.frame example for confidence intervals using psych::corr.test(attitude[1:3])
# corr_test <- psych::corr.test(attitude[1:3])
# d <- corr_test[["ci"]][c("r","p","lower","upper")]
# cbind(d, after = 0L) <- reshape::colsplit(row.names(d), split = "-", names = c("X1","X2"))
# tmp <- d[c("X2","X1","r","p","lower","upper")]
# d2 <- plyr::rename(tmp, c("X1" = "X2", "X2" = "X1"))
# short_nm <- unique(c(fct2v(d[["X1"]]), fct2v(d[["X2"]])))
# d3 <- data.frame("X1" = short_nm, "X2" = short_nm,
# "r" = NA_real_, "p" = NA_real_, "lower" = NA_real_, "upper" = NA_real_)
# d_all <- ld2d(ld = list(d, d2, d3), rtn.listnames.nm = NULL, rtn.rownames.nm = NULL)
d_all <- data.frame(
"X1" = c("ratng","ratng","cmpln","cmpln","prvlg","prvlg","ratng","cmpln","prvlg"),
"X2" = c("cmpln","prvlg","prvlg","ratng","ratng","cmpln","ratng","cmpln","prvlg"),
"r" = c(0.8254176, 0.4261169, 0.5582882, 0.8254176, 0.4261169, 0.5582882, NA, NA, NA),
"p" = c(1.987682e-08, 1.887702e-02, 1.345519e-03, 1.987682e-08,
1.887702e-02, 1.345519e-03, NA, NA, NA),
"lower" = c(0.66201277, 0.07778967, 0.24787510, 0.66201277, 0.07778967,
0.24787510, NA, NA, NA),
"upper" = c(0.9139139, 0.6817292, 0.7647418, 0.9139139, 0.6817292,
0.7647418, NA, NA, NA)
tmp <- d2a(d = d_all, dim.nm = c("X1","X2"), rtn.dim.lab = "stat")
short_nm <- c("ratng","cmpln","prvlg")
dim_names <- list(short_nm, short_nm, c("r","p","lower","upper"))
a <- do.call(what = `[`, args = c(list(tmp), dim_names))