KLISTAhat {stpp}R Documentation

Estimation of the Space-Time Inhomogeneous K LISTA functions


Compute an estimate of the space-time K LISTA functions.


KLISTAhat(xyt, s.region, t.region, dist, times, lambda, correction = "isotropic")



Coordinates and times (x,y,t) of the point pattern.


Two-column matrix specifying polygonal region containing all data locations. If s.region is missing, the bounding box of xyt[,1:2] is considered.


Vector containing the minimum and maximum values of the time interval. If t.region is missing, the range of xyt[,3] is considered.


Vector of distances u at which K^{(i)}(u,v) is computed. If missing, the maximum of dist is given by \min(S_x,S_y)/4, where S_x and S_y represent the maximum width and height of the bounding box of s.region.


Vector of times v at which K^{(i)}(u,v) is computed. If missing, the maximum of times is given by (T_{\max} - T_{\min})/4, where T_{\min} and T_{\max} are the minimum and maximum of the time interval T.


Vector of values of the space-time intensity function evaluated at the points (x,y,t) in S\times T. If lambda is missing, the estimate of the space-time pair correlation function is computed as for the homogeneous case, i.e. considering (n-1)/|S \times T| as an estimate of the space-time intensity.


A character vector specifying the edge correction(s) to be applied among "isotropic", "border", "modified.border", "translate" and "none" (see PCFhat). The default is "isotropic".


An individual product density LISTA functions K^{(i)}(.,.) should reveal the extent of the contribution of the event (u_i,t_i) to the global estimator of the K-function K(.,.), and may provide a further description of structure in the data (e.g., determining events with similar local structure through dissimilarity measures of the individual LISTA functions), for more details see Siino et al. (2019).


A list containing:


A list containing the values of the estimation of K^{(i)}(r,t) for each one of n points of the point pattern by matrixs.


ndist x ntimes matrix containing theoretical values for a Poisson process.

dist, times

Parameters passed in argument.


The name(s) of the edge correction method(s) passed in argument.


Francisco J. Rodriguez-Cortes <frrodriguezc@unal.edu.co>


Baddeley, A. and Turner, J. (2005). spatstat: An R Package for Analyzing Spatial Point Pattens. Journal of Statistical Software 12, 1-42.

Cressie, N. and Collins, L. B. (2001). Analysis of spatial point patterns using bundles of product density LISA functions. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 6, 118-135.

Cressie, N. and Collins, L. B. (2001). Patterns in spatial point locations: Local indicators of spatial association in a minefield with clutter Naval Research Logistics (NRL), John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 48, 333-347.

Siino, M., Adelfio, G., Mateu, J. and Rodriguez-Cortes, F. J. (2019). Some properties of weighted local second-order statistcs for spatio-temporal point process. Submitted.

Stoyan, D. and Stoyan, H. (1994). Fractals, random shapes, and point fields: methods of geometrical statistics. Chichester: Wiley.

[Package stpp version 2.0-8 Index]