stops {stops} | R Documentation |
High Level STOPS Function
This allows to fit STOPS models as described in Rusch, Mair, Hornik (2023).
loss = "stress",
theta = 1,
type = "ratio",
ndim = 2,
weightmat = NULL,
init = NULL,
stressweight = 1,
optimmethod = c("SANN", "ALJ", "pso", "Kriging", "tgp", "direct", "stogo", "cobyla",
"crs2lm", "isres", "mlsl", "neldermead", "sbplx", "hjk", "cmaes"),
verbose = 0,
stoptype = c("additive", "multiplicative"),
initpoints = 10,
itmax = 50,
itmaxps = 10000,
dis |
numeric matrix or dist object of a matrix of proximities |
loss |
which loss function to be used for fitting, defaults to stress. |
theta |
hyperparameter vector starting values for the transformation functions. If the length is smaller than the number of hyperparameters for the MDS version the vector gets recycled (see the corresponding stop_XXX function or the vignette for how theta must look like exactly for each loss). If larger than the number of hyperparameters for the MDS method, an error is thrown. If completely missing theta is set to 1 and recycled. |
type |
type of MDS optimal scaling (implicit transformation). One of "ratio", "interval" or "ordinal". Default is "ratio". Not every type can be used with every loss, only ratio works with all. |
structures |
character vector of which c-structuredness indices should be considered; if missing no structure is considered. |
ndim |
number of dimensions of the target space |
weightmat |
(optional) a matrix of nonnegative weights; defaults to 1 for all off diagonals |
init |
(optional) initial configuration |
stressweight |
weight to be used for the fit measure; defaults to 1 |
strucweight |
vector of weights to be used for the c-structuredness indices (in the same order as in structures); defaults to -1/length(structures) for each index |
strucpars |
(possibly named with the structure). Metaparameters for the structuredness indices (gamma in the article). It's safest for it be a list of lists with the named arguments for the structuredness indices and the order of the lists must be like the order of structures. So something like this |
optimmethod |
What solver to use. Currently supported are Bayesian optimization with Gaussian Process priors and Kriging ("Kriging", see |
lower |
The lower contraints of the search region. Needs to be a numeric vector of the same length as the parameter vector theta. |
upper |
The upper contraints of the search region. Needs to be a numeric vector of the same length as the parameter vector theta. |
verbose |
numeric value hat prints information on the fitting process; >2 is very verbose. |
stoptype |
which aggregation for the multi objective target function? Either 'additive' (default) or 'multiplicative' |
initpoints |
number of initial points to fit the surrogate model for Bayesian optimization; default is 10. |
itmax |
maximum number of iterations of the outer optimization (for theta) or number of steps of Bayesian optimization; default is 50. We recommend a higher number for ALJ (around 150). Note that due to the inner workings of some solvers, this may or may not correspond to the actual number of function evaluations performed (or PS models fitted). E.g., with tgp the actual number of function evaluation of the PS method is between itmax and 6*itmax as tgp samples 1-6 candidates from the posterior and uses the best candidate. For pso it is the number of particles s times itmax. For cmaes it is usually a bit higher than itmax. This currently may get overruled by a control argument if it is used (and then set to either ewhat is supplie dby control or to the default of the method). |
itmaxps |
maximum number of iterations of the inner optimization (to obtain the PS configuration) |
model |
a character specifying the surrogate model to use. For Kriging it specifies the covariance kernel for the GP prior; see |
control |
a control argument passed to the outer optimization procedure. Will override any other control arguents passed, especially verbose and itmax. For the effect of control, see the functions pomp::sannbox for SANN and pso::psoptim for pso, cmaes::cma_es for cmaes, dfoptim::hjkb for hjk and the nloptr docs for the algorithms direct, stogo, cobyla, crs2lm, isres, mlsl, neldermead, sbplx. |
... |
additional arguments passed to the outer optimization procedures (not fully tested). |
The combination of c-structurednes indices and stress uses the stress.m values, which are the explictly normalized stresses. Reported however is the stress-1 value which is sqrt(stress.m).
A list with the components
stoploss: the stoploss value
optim: the object returned from the optimization procedure
stressweight: the stressweight
strucweight: the vector of structure weights
call: the call
optimmethod: The solver selected
loss: The PS badness-of-fit function
nobj: the number of objects in the configuration
type: The type of stoploss scalacrisation (additive or multiplicative)
fit: The fitted PS object (most importantly $fit$conf the fitted configuration)
stoptype: Type of stoploss combinatio
strucpar<-list(NULL,NULL) #parameters for indices
#use higher itmax in general, we use 5 just to shorten the tests
strucpar<-list(c(epsilon=10,minpts=2),NULL) #parameters for indices