twofunds_graph {stocks}R Documentation

Graph One Performance Metric vs. Another for Two-Fund Portfolios as Allocation Varies


Useful for visualizing performance of two-fund portfolios, typically by plotting a measure of growth vs. a measure of volatility. First two investments are used as the first two-fund pair, next two as the second two-fund pair, and so on.


twofunds_graph(tickers = NULL, intercepts = NULL, slopes = NULL, ...,
  benchmark.tickers = NULL, reference.tickers = NULL,
  tickers.gains = NULL, benchmark.gains = NULL, reference.gains = NULL, = 0.0025, step.points = 0.1, x.metric = "sd",
  y.metric = "mean", tickerlabel.offsets = NULL, reflabel.offsets = NULL,
  add.plot = FALSE, colors = NULL, lty = NULL, plot.list = NULL,
  points.list = NULL, text.list = NULL, pdf.list = NULL,
  bmp.list = NULL, jpeg.list = NULL, png.list = NULL, tiff.list = NULL)



Character vector of ticker symbols that Yahoo! Finance recognizes, if you want to download data on the fly.


Numeric vector of values to add to daily gains for each ticker.


Numeric vector of values to multiply daily gains for each ticker by. Slopes are multiplied prior to adding intercepts.


Arguments to pass along with tickers to load_gains.


Character vector of length 1 or 2 indicating ticker symbols for benchmark indexes. Only used if x.metric and/or y.metric require benchmark indexes to calculate. For example, to plot correlation with SPY on the x-axis and correlation with TLT on the y-axis, set x.metric = "pearson", y.metric = "pearson2" (i.e. Pearson correlation with 2nd benchmark), and benchmark.tickers = c("SPY", "TLT").


Character vector of ticker symbols to include on graph as data points for comparative purposes.


Numeric matrix of gains, where each column has gains for a particular fund.


Numeric vector or matrix of gains for 1 or 2 benchmark indexes. Only used if x.metric and/or y.metric require benchmark indexes to calculate. For example, to plot correlation with SPY on the x-axis and correlation with TLT on the y-axis, set x.metric = "pearson" and y.metric = "pearson2", and input benchmark.gains as a 2-column matrix of gains for SPY and TLT.


Numeric vector or matrix of gains for funds to include on graph as data points for comparative purposes.

Numeric value specifying allocation increments for plotting curves.


Numeric value specifying allocation increments for adding data points on top of curves. Set to NULL to suppress data points.


Character string specifying x-axis performance metric. Choices are:

"mean" or "sd" for mean or standard deviation of gains

"growth" or "cagr" for total or annualized growth

"mdd" for maximum drawdown

"sharpe" or "sortino" for Sharpe or Sortino ratio

"alpha", "beta", or "r.squared" for those metrics from a fitted linear regression on benchmark fund

"pearson" or "spearman" for Pearson or Spearman correlation with benchmark fund

"alpha2", "beta2", "r.squared2", "pearson2", or "spearman2" for same as previously described, but using the second benchmark index

"auto.pearson" or "auto.spearman" for Pearson or Spearman autocorrelation, defined as the correlation between subsequent gains

"allocation" for allocation to first fund in each pair.


Same as x.metric, but for the y-axis


Either a numeric vector of length 2 giving the x- and y-axis offsets for all ticker labels, or a 2-column matrix where each row gives the x- and y-axis offsets for a ticker.


Either a numeric vector of length 2 giving the x- and y-axis offsets for all reference ticker labels, or a 2-column matrix where each row gives the x- and y-axis offsets for a reference ticker.


Logical value for whether to add plot data to current plot frame rather than open a new one.


Character vector of colors for each curve.


Numeric vector specifying line types for each curve.


List of arguments to pass to plot.


List of arguments to pass to points.


List of arguments to pass to text.


List of arguments to pass to pdf.


List of arguments to pass to bmp.


List of arguments to pass to jpeg.


List of arguments to pass to png.


List of arguments to pass to tiff.


In addition to the graph, a list containing:

  1. List named portfolio.xy where each element is a two-column matrix of x- and y-axis values for a fund pair.

  2. Numeric vector named means with mean gains for each fund.

  3. Numeric matrix named corr.matrix with a correlation matrix for gains for each fund.


Ryan, J.A. and Ulrich, J.M. (2017) quantmod: Quantitative Financial Modelling Framework. R package version 0.4-12,


## Not run: 
# Plot mean vs. SD for UPRO/VBLTX portfolio, and compare to VFINX and BRK-B
fig1 <- twofunds_graph(tickers = c("UPRO", "VBLTX"), 
                       reference.tickers = c("VFINX", "BRK-B"))
# Same funds, but annualized growth vs. maximum drawdown
fig2 <- twofunds_graph(tickers = c("UPRO", "VBLTX"), 
                       reference.tickers = c("VFINX", "BRK-B"),
                       x.metric = "mdd", y.metric = "cagr")

## End(Not run)

[Package stocks version 1.1.4 Index]