band_crm {stochLAB} | R Documentation |
Collision risk model, for a single species and one turbine scenario
Core function of the Collision Risk Model (CRM). Calculates the expected number of in-flight collisions per month of a seabird species on a given offshore windfarm, for a choice of model options.
Calculations are equivalent to those performed on the original CRM spreadsheet, as per Band (2012), providing backward compatibility with the original outputs.
model_options = c("1", "2", "3", "4"),
avoid_rt_basic = NULL,
avoid_rt_ext = NULL,
prop_crh_surv = NULL,
site_fhd = NULL,
gen_fhd = NULL,
chord_prof = chord_prof_5MW,
lrg_arr_corr = TRUE,
xinc = 0.05,
yinc = 0.05,
model_options |
Character vector, the model options for calculating collision risk (see Details section below). |
flight_speed |
Numeric value. The bird flying speed ( |
body_lt |
Numeric value. The length of the bird ( |
wing_span |
Numeric value. The wingspan of the bird ( |
flight_type |
A character string, either 'flapping' or 'gliding', indicating the species' characteristic flight type. |
avoid_rt_basic , avoid_rt_ext |
Numeric values. The avoidance rate for, respectively, the basic model (i.e. required for model Options 1 and 2) and the extended model (i.e. required for Options 3 and 4). Avoidance rate expresses the probability that a bird flying on a collision course with a turbine will take evading action to avoid collision. |
noct_activity |
A numeric value. The nocturnal flight activity level,
expressed as a proportion of daytime activity levels ( |
prop_crh_surv |
The proportion of flights at collision risk height derived
from site survey ( |
dens_month |
Data frame, containing estimates of daytime in-flight bird densities per month within the windfarm footprint, in birds/km^2. It must contain the following named columns:
prop_upwind |
Numeric value between 0-1 giving the proportion of flights upwind - defaults to 0.5. |
gen_fhd , site_fhd |
Data frame objects, with flight height distributions (fhd) of the species - the relative frequency distribution of bird flights at 1-metre height intervals from sea surface. Specifically:
Data frames must contain the following named columns:
rotor_speed |
Numeric value. The operational rotation speed, in revolutions/min. |
rotor_radius |
Numeric value. The radius of the rotor ( |
blade_width |
Numeric value, giving the maximum blade width, in metres. |
blade_pitch |
Numeric value. The average blade pitch angle, the angle
between the blade surface and the rotor plane ( |
n_blades |
An integer, the number of blades in rotor ( |
hub_height |
A numeric value, the height of the rotor hub ( |
chord_prof |
A data frame with the chord taper profile of the rotor blade. Function expects two named columns:
Defaults to a generic profile for a typical modern 5MW turbine. See
n_turbines |
Integer, the number of turbines on the wind farm
( |
turb_oper_month |
Data frame, holding the proportion of time during which turbines are operational per month. The following named column are expected:
wf_width |
Numeric value, the approximate longitudinal width of the
wind farm, in kilometres ( |
wf_latitude |
A decimal value. The latitude of the centroid of the windfarm, in degrees. |
tidal_offset |
A numeric value, the tidal offset, the difference between HAT and mean sea level, in metres. |
lrg_arr_corr |
Boolean value. If TRUE, the large array correction will be applied. This is a correction factor to account for the decay in bird density at later rows in wind farms with a large array of turbines. |
yinc , xinc |
numeric values, the increments along the y-axis and x-axis for numerical integration across segments of the rotor circle. Chosen values express proportion of rotor radius. By default these are set to 0.05, i.e. integration will be performed at a resolution of one twentieth of the rotor radius. |
... |
Additional arguments to pass on when function is called in
Collision risk can be calculated under 4 options, specified by model_options
Option 1 - Basic model with proportion at collision risk height derived from site survey (
). -
Option 2 - Basic model with proportion at collision risk height derived from a generic flight height distribution (
). -
Option 3 - Extended model using a generic flight height distribution (
). -
Option 4 - Extended model using a site-specific flight height distribution (
Basic model - assumes a uniform distribution of bird flights at collision risk height (i.e. above the minimum and below the maximum height of the rotor blade).
Extended model - takes into account the distribution of bird flight heights at collision risk height.
Returns the expected number of bird collisions per month, for each of
the chosen CRM Options. Returned months are those shared between
and turb_oper_month
. Output format is specific to how
the function is called:
data frame object, if called as a stand-alone function.
list object, if called inside
Validation and pre-processing of inputs
requirements and behaviour are dependent on how it is called:
- As a stand-alone function
All arguments are expected to be specified as describe above
Input validation and pre-processing are carried out.
- Inside
Assumes inputs have already been pre-processed and validated, and thence it skips those steps.
Additional arguments
need to be passed to the function. Under the stochastic context, these quantities can be calculated ahead of the simulation loop to maximize performance.Furthermore,
can be provided as numeric vectors
Code revision and optimization
Core code performing Band calculations in Masden (2015) implementation was substantially re-factored, re-structured and streamlined to conform with conventional R packages requirements.
Furthermore, previous code underpinning key calculations for the extended
model was replaced by an alternative approach, resulting in significant gains
in computational speed over Masden's approach. This
optimization is particularly beneficial under a stochastic context, when Band
calculations are called repeatedly, potentially thousands of times. See
for further details.
# ------------------------------------------------------
# Run with arbitrary parameter values, for illustration
# ------------------------------------------------------
# Setting a dataframe of parameters to draw from
params <- data.frame(
flight_speed = 13.1, # Flight speed in m/s
body_lt = 0.85, # Body length in m
wing_span = 1.01, # Wing span in m
flight_type = "flapping", # flapping or gliding flight
avoid_rt_basic = 0.989, # avoidance rate for option 1 and 2
avoid_rt_ext = 0.981, # extended avoidance rate for option 3 and 4
noct_activity = 0.5, # proportion of day birds are inactive
prop_crh_surv = 0.13, # proportion of birds at collision risk height (option 1 only)
prop_upwind = 0.5, # proportion of flights that are upwind
rotor_speed = 15, # rotor speed in m/s
rotor_radius = 120, # radius of turbine in m
blade_width = 5, # width of turbine blades at thickest point in m
blade_pitch = 15, # mean radius pitch in Radians
n_blades = 3, # total number of blades per turbine
hub_height = 150, # height of hub in m above HAT
n_turbines = 100, # number of turbines in the wind farm
wf_width = 52, # width across longest section of wind farm
wf_latitude = 56, # latitude of centroid of wind farm
tidal_offset = 2.5, # mean tidal offset from HAT of the wind farm
lrg_arr_corr = TRUE # apply a large array correction?
# Monthly bird densities
b_dens <- data.frame(
month =,
dens = runif(12, 0.8, 1.5)
# flight height distribution from Johnston et al
gen_fhd_dat <- Johnston_Flight_heights_SOSS %>%
dplyr::filter(variable=="Gannet.est") %>%
# monthly operational time of the wind farm
turb_oper <- data.frame(
month =,
prop_oper = runif(12,0.5,0.8)
model_options = c(1,2,3),
flight_speed = params$flight_speed,
body_lt = params$body_lt,
wing_span = params$wing_span,
flight_type = params$flight_type,
avoid_rt_basic = params$avoid_rt_basic,
avoid_rt_ext = params$avoid_rt_ext,
noct_activity = params$noct_activity,
prop_crh_surv = params$prop_crh_surv,
dens_month = b_dens,
prop_upwind = params$prop_upwind,
gen_fhd = gen_fhd_dat,
site_fhd = NULL, # Option 4 only
rotor_speed = params$rotor_speed,
rotor_radius = params$rotor_radius,
blade_width = params$blade_width,
blade_pitch = params$blade_pitch,
n_blades = params$n_blades,
hub_height = params$hub_height,
chord_prof = chord_prof_5MW,
n_turbines = params$n_turbines,
turb_oper_month = turb_oper,
wf_width = params$wf_width,
wf_latitude = params$wf_latitude,
tidal_offset = params$tidal_offset,
lrg_arr_corr = params$lrg_arr_corr