article2 {stevetemplates}R Documentation

Steve's 2nd Article/Manuscript Template


Another template for academic articles/manuscripts. For more information, see here: Please note that xelatex is functionally required for this template/function.






Arguments to rmarkdown::pdf_document.


If your version of TeX comes by way of Yihui Xie's tinytex, you'll want to additionally install the "xurl" library. Otherwise, you'll get a vague error about a missing LaTeX dependency. tinytex::tlmgr_install("xurl") should suffice. I thank Ian Adams and Cornelius Hennch for finding this issue and pointing to this solution.

About YAML header fields

This section documents some of the YAML fields to know for this template. Much should've been carried over from my first article/manuscript template. Please yell at me/raise an issue on the Github repo if I didn't.

name name of the author
affiliation the affiliation of the author
thanks A place to thank people for their input, identify corresponding author, etc.
abstract include an abstract of the paper here
keywords some keywords for the manuscript
anonymous logical, defaults to FALSE. If TRUE, scrubs all identifying author info for peer review
removetitleabstract logical, defaults to FALSE. If TRUE, removes title/abstract for peer review (if you'd like)
appendix optional, but specifies appendix figure/table prefices
endnotes logical, defaults to FALSE. If TRUE, makes R Markdown footnotes as endnotes
pandocparas logical, defaults to FALSE. If TRUE, keeps Pandoc's default paragraph format
sansitup logical, defaults to FALSE. If TRUE, better mimics ACM's use of sans fonts for section headers
mainfont optional (I think?), but it's the main font to use with xelatex. I use cochineal here.
sansfont optional, only necessary if sansitup: TRUE. Specifies sans font. I recommend Linux Biolinum
doublespacing optional, if anything is here to process, this will double-space the document.

[Package stevetemplates version 1.0.0 Index]