Spatially- and Temporally-Explicit Population Simulator

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Documentation for package ‘steps’ version 1.3.0

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ceiling_density Ceiling-based density dependence
cellular_automata_dispersal Cellular automata dispersal
compare_emp Compare minimum expected populations
competition_density Competition density function
density_dependence_dispersing Density-dependent proportions of populations dispersing
dispersal_kernel Create a dispersal function
dispersal_proportion_function Create a proportion dispersing function
disturbance Disturbance
egk Eastern Grey Kangaroo example data
egk_destinations Eastern Grey Kangaroo example data
egk_fire Eastern Grey Kangaroo example data
egk_hab Eastern Grey Kangaroo example data
egk_k Eastern Grey Kangaroo example data
egk_mat Eastern Grey Kangaroo example data
egk_mat_stoch Eastern Grey Kangaroo example data
egk_origins Eastern Grey Kangaroo example data
egk_pop Eastern Grey Kangaroo example data
egk_road Eastern Grey Kangaroo example data
egk_sf Eastern Grey Kangaroo example data
exponential_dispersal_kernel Negative exponential dispersal kernel
extract_spatial Extract spatial object from a 'simulation_results' object
fast_dispersal Fast diffusion-based dispersal
fire_effects Fire effects with regeneration
growth Population growth
habitat_dynamics_functions Functions to modify the habitat in a landscape object.
kernel_dispersal Kernel-based dispersal
landscape Create a landscape object.
modified_transition Spatially-explicit transition function
mortality Directly affect populations
plot.simulation_results Plot the results of a simulation
plot_hab_spatial Plot habitat suitability spatial information
plot_k_spatial Plot carrying capacity spatial information
plot_k_trend Plot carrying capacity (k) trend
plot_pop_spatial Plot population spatial information
plot_pop_trend Plot population trend
population_change_functions How the population changes in a landscape.
population_density_dependence_functions How the population responds to density dependence in a landscape.
population_dispersal_functions How the population disperses in a landscape.
population_dynamics Define population dynamics.
population_modification_functions How the population is modified in a landscape.
set_proportion_dispersing Set proportions of populations dispersing
simulation Run a simulation
steps Simulate population trajectories over space and time with dynamic functions.
transition_function Create a growth transition function
translocation Translocate populations
visualisation Visualise the results of a *steps* simulation