stemmatology-package |
An R Stemmatology Package |
fournival |
Fournival Data Set |
heinrichi |
Heinrichi data set |
import.TEIApparatus |
Import TEI apparatus |
layout_as_stemma |
layout_as_stemma |
notreBesoin |
Notre Besoin data set |
otinel |
Otinel data set |
parzival |
Parzival data set |
PCC (Poole-Camps-Cafiero) stemmatological method |
PCC.buildGroup |
PCC.buildGroup: Group Witnesses in Clusters |
PCC.conflicts |
PCC Exploratory Methods: Conflicts between Variant Locations |
PCC.contam |
PCC Exploratory Methods: Contamination Detection |
PCC.disagreement |
PCC.disagreement: Find disagreements and agreements between witnesses |
PCC.elimination |
PCC Exploratory Methods: Elimination of Over-Conflicting Variant Locations |
PCC.equipollent |
PCC Exploratory Methods: Extracting Competing Genealogies |
PCC.Exploratory |
PCC Exploratory methods |
PCC.overconflicting |
PCC Exploratory Methods: Identification of Over-Conflicting Variant Locations |
PCC.reconstructModel |
PCC.reconstructModel: Reconstruct the Model of Groups of Witnesses |
PCC.Stemma |
PCC.Stemma: Building the Stemma Codicum |