fit_hawkes {stelfi}R Documentation

Self-exciting Hawkes process(es)


Fit a Hawkes process using Template Model Builder (TMB). The function fit_hawkes() fits a self-exciting Hawkes process with a constant background rate. Whereas, fit_hawkes_cbf() fits a Hawkes processes with a user defined custom background function (non-homogeneous background rate). The function fit_mhawkes() fits a multivariate Hawkes process that allows for between- and within-stream self-excitement.


  parameters = list(),
  model = 1,
  marks = c(rep(1, length(times))),
  tmb_silent = TRUE,
  optim_silent = TRUE,

  parameters = list(),
  model = 1,
  marks = c(rep(1, length(times))),
  tmb_silent = TRUE,
  optim_silent = TRUE

  parameters = list(),
  tmb_silent = TRUE,
  optim_silent = TRUE,



A vector of numeric observed time points.


A named list of parameter starting values:

  • mu, a vector of base rates for each stream of the multivariate Hawkes process,

  • alpha, a matrix of the between- and within-stream self-excitement: the diagonal elements represent the within-stream excitement and the off-diagonals the excitement between streams,

  • beta, a vector of the exponential intensity decay for each stream of the multivariate Hawkes process,


A numeric indicator specifying which model to fit:

  • model = 1, fits a Hawkes process with exponential decay (default);

  • model = 2, fits a Hawkes process with an alpha that can be negative.


Optional, a vector of numeric marks, defaults to 1 (i.e., no marks).


Logical, if TRUE (default) then TMB inner optimisation tracing information will be printed.


Logical, if TRUE (default) then for each iteration optim() output will be printed.


Additional arguments to pass to optim()


A function taking one parameter and an independent variable, returning a scalar.


The integral of background.


The parameter(s) for the background function background. This could be a list of multiple values.


A function taking one parameter and two points, returns min of background between those points.


A character vector specifying the stream ID of each observation in times


A univariate Hawkes (Hawkes, AG. 1971) process is a self-exciting temporal point process with conditional intensity function λ(t)=μ+αΣi:τi<te(β(tτi))\lambda(t) = \mu + \alpha \Sigma_{i:\tau_i<t}e^{(-\beta * (t-\tau_i))}. Here μ\mu is the constant baseline rate, α\alpha is the instantaneous increase in intensity after an event, and β\beta is the exponential decay in intensity. The term Σi:τi<t\Sigma_{i:\tau_i<t} \cdots describes the historic dependence and the clustering density of the temporal point process, where the τi\tau_i are the events in time occurring prior to time tt. From this we can derive the following quantities 1) αβ\frac{\alpha}{\beta} is the branching ratio, it gives the average number of events triggered by an event, and 2) 1β\frac{1}{\beta} gives the rate of decay of the self-excitement. Including mark information results in the conditional intensity λ(t;m(t))=μ+αΣi:τi<tm(τi)e(β(tτi))\lambda(t; m(t)) = \mu + \alpha \Sigma_{i:\tau_i<t}m(\tau_i)e^{(-\beta * (t-\tau_i))}, where m(t)m(t) is the temporal mark. This model can be fitted with fit_hawkes().

An in-homogenous marked Hawkes process has conditional intensity function λ(t)=μ(t)+αΣi:τi<te(β(tτi))\lambda(t) = \mu(t) + \alpha \Sigma_{i:\tau_i<t}e^{(-\beta * (t-\tau_i))}. Here, the background rate, μ(t)\mu(t), varies in time. Such a model can be fitted using fit_hawkes_cbf() where the parameters of the custom background function are estimated before being passed to TMB.

A multivariate Hawkes process that allows for between- and within-stream self-excitement. The conditional intensity for the jthj^{th} (j=1,...,Nj = 1, ..., N) stream is given by λ(t)j=μj+Σk=1NΣi:τi<tαjke(βj(tτi))\lambda(t)^{j*} = \mu_j + \Sigma_{k = 1}^N\Sigma_{i:\tau_i<t} \alpha_{jk} e^{(-\beta_j * (t-\tau_i))}, where j,k(1,...,N)j, k \in (1, ..., N). Here, αjk\alpha_{jk} is the excitement caused by the kthk^{th} stream on the jthj^{th}. Therefore, α\boldsymbol{\alpha} is an NxNN x N matrix where the diagonals represent the within-stream excitement and the off-diagonals represent the excitement between streams.


A list containing components of the fitted model, see TMB::MakeADFun. Includes


Hawkes, AG. (1971) Spectra of some self-exciting and mutually exciting point processes. Biometrika, 58: 83–90.

See Also



### ********************** ###
## A Hawkes model
### ********************** ###
data(retweets_niwa, package = "stelfi")
times <- unique(sort(as.numeric(difftime(retweets_niwa, min(retweets_niwa), units = "mins"))))
params <- c(mu = 0.05, alpha = 0.05, beta = 0.1)
fit <- fit_hawkes(times = times, parameters = params)
### ********************** ###
## A Hawkes model with marks (ETAS-type)
### ********************** ###
data("nz_earthquakes", package = "stelfi")
earthquakes <- nz_earthquakes[order(nz_earthquakes$origintime),]
earthquakes <- earthquakes[!duplicated(earthquakes$origintime), ]
times <- earthquakes$origintime
times <- as.numeric(difftime(times, min(times), units = "hours"))
marks <- earthquakes$magnitude
params <- c(mu = 0.05, alpha = 0.05, beta = 1)
fit <- fit_hawkes(times = times, parameters = params, marks = marks)

### ********************** ###
## A Hawkes process with a custom background function
### ********************** ###
if(require("hawkesbow")) {
times <- hawkesbow::hawkes(1000, fun = function(y) {1 + 0.5*sin(y)},
M = 1.5, repr = 0.5, family = "exp", rate = 2)$p
## The background function must take a single parameter and
## the time(s) at which it is evaluated
background <- function(params,times) {
A = exp(params[[1]])
B = stats::plogis(params[[2]]) * A
return(A + B  *sin(times))
## The background_integral function must take a
## single parameter and the time at which it is evaluated
background_integral <- function(params,x) {
        A = exp(params[[1]])
        B = stats::plogis(params[[2]]) * A
param = list(alpha = 0.5, beta = 1.5)
background_param = list(1,1)
fit <- fit_hawkes_cbf(times = times, parameters = param,
background = background,
background_integral = background_integral,
background_parameters = background_param)

### ********************** ###
## A multivariate Hawkes model
### ********************** ###
data(multi_hawkes, package = "stelfi")
fit <- fit_mhawkes(times = multi_hawkes$times, stream = multi_hawkes$stream,
parameters = list(mu =  c(0.2,0.2),
alpha =  matrix(c(0.5,0.1,0.1,0.5),byrow = TRUE,nrow = 2),
beta = c(0.7,0.7)))

[Package stelfi version 1.0.1 Index]