ICA and Tests of Independence via Multivariate Distance Covariance

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Documentation for package ‘steadyICA’ version 1.0

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steadyICA-package ICA via distance covariance, tests of mutual independence, and other ICA functions
compInd Complete Measure of Mutual Multivariate Independence
dcovICA ICA via distance covariance for 2 components
dcovustat Calculate distance covariance via U-statistics
frobICA match mixing matrices or ICs and calculate their Frobenius distance
gmultidcov Symmetric multivariate distance covariance for grouped components
infomaxICA Estimates independent components via infomax
matchICA match independent components using the Hungarian method
multidcov Symmetric multivariate distance covariance
permTest Permutation test for mutual independence.
rightskew force ICs to have positive skewness and order by skewness
steadyICA Estimate independent components by minimizing distance covariance
theta2W Convert angles to an orthogonal matrix.
W2theta Convert an orthogonal matrix to its angular parameterization.
whiten Whitening function
whitener Whitening function