ames |
Housing prices in Ames, Iowa |
ames_sampling_dist |
Simulate Sampling Distribution |
arbuthnot |
Male and female births in London |
atheism |
Atheism in the world data |
bandit_posterior |
bandit posterior |
bandit_sim |
Run the Bandit Simulation shiny app |
bayes_inference |
Bayesian hypothesis tests and credible intervals |
BF_app |
Run the interactive Bayes Factor shiny app |
brfss |
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System 2013 (Subset) |
calc_streak |
Calculate hitting streaks |
credible_interval_app |
Credible Interval shiny app |
evals |
Teachers evaluations at the University of Texas at Austin |
inference |
Hypothesis tests and confidence intervals |
kobe_basket |
Kobe Bryant basketball performance |
mlb11 |
Major League Baseball team data |
nc |
North Carolina births |
nycflights |
Flights data |
plot_bandit_posterior |
plot_bandit_posterior |
plot_ss |
plot_ss |
present |
Male and female births in the US |
rep_sample_n |
Repeating Sampling from a Tibble |
statsr |
statsr: A companion package for Statistics with R |
tapwater |
Total Trihalomethanes in Tapwater |
wage |
Wage data |
zinc |
Zinc Concentration in Water |