ci.2x2.mean.mixed {statpsych}R Documentation

Computes tests and confidence intervals of effects in a 2x2 mixed design for means


Computes confidence intervals and tests for the AB interaction effect, main effect of A, main effect of B, simple main effects of A, and simple main effects of B in a 2x2 mixed factorial design with a quantitative response variable where Factor A is a within-subjects factor, and Factor B is a between-subjects factor. A Satterthwaite adjustment to the degrees of freedom is used and equality of population variances is not assumed.


ci.2x2.mean.mixed(alpha, y11, y12, y21, y22)



alpha level for 1-alpha confidence


vector of scores at level 1 of A and level 1 of B


vector of scores at level 1 of A and level 2 of B


vector of scores at level 2 of A and level 1 of B


vector of scores at level 2 of A and level 2 of B


Returns a 7-row matrix (one row per effect). The columns are:


y11 <- c(18, 19, 20, 17, 20, 16)
y12 <- c(19, 18, 19, 20, 17, 16)
y21 <- c(19, 16, 16, 14, 16, 18)
y22 <- c(16, 10, 12,  9, 13, 15)
ci.2x2.mean.mixed(.05, y11, y12, y21, y22)

# Should return:
#            Estimate        SE         t       df            p         LL        UL
# AB:      -3.8333333 0.9803627 -3.910117 8.346534 0.0041247610 -6.0778198 -1.588847
# A:        2.0833333 0.4901814  4.250128 8.346534 0.0025414549  0.9610901  3.205577
# B:        3.7500000 1.0226599  3.666908 7.601289 0.0069250119  1.3700362  6.129964
# A at b1:  0.1666667 0.8333333  0.200000 5.000000 0.8493605140 -1.9754849  2.308818
# A at b2:  4.0000000 0.5163978  7.745967 5.000000 0.0005732451  2.6725572  5.327443
# B at a1:  1.8333333 0.9803627  1.870056 9.943850 0.0911668588 -0.3527241  4.019391
# B at a2:  5.6666667 1.2692955  4.464419 7.666363 0.0023323966  2.7173445  8.615989

[Package statpsych version 1.6.0 Index]