correlations |
Compute different types of correlations. |
Calculate the correlated response to selection |
diagnostics |
Get diagnostics for an object of class varComp |
dropsPheno |
DROPS data set |
fitted.AMMI |
Extract fitted values. |
fitted.FW |
Extract fitted values. |
fitted.varCov |
Extract fitted values. |
gxeAmmi |
AMMI analysis |
gxeFw |
Finlay-Wilkinson analysis |
gxeGGE |
GGE analysis |
gxeMegaEnv |
Form mega environments based on fitted values from an AMMI model |
gxeStability |
Calculate stability coefficients for genotype-by-environment data |
gxeVarComp |
Mixed model analysis of GxE table of means |
gxeVarCov |
Selects the best variance-covariance model for a set of trials |
herit |
Calculate heritability |
multMissing |
Estimate missing values in multivariate data |
plot.AMMI |
Plot function for class AMMI |
plot.FW |
Plot function for class FW |
plot.megaEnv |
Plot function for class megaEnv |
plot.stability |
Plot function for class stability |
plot.varComp |
Plot function for class varComp |
plot.varCov |
Plot function for class varCov |
predict.megaEnv |
Compute BLUPS based on a set of mega environments |
predict.varComp |
Predictions based on a fitted varComp model. |
report.AMMI |
Report method for class AMMI |
report.FW |
Report method for class FW |
report.stability |
Report method for class stability |
report.varCov |
Report method for class varCov |
residuals.AMMI |
Extract residuals. |
residuals.FW |
Extract residuals. |
residuals.varCov |
Extract residuals. |
TDMaize |
Field data for a maize experiment in Tlaltizapan, Mexico |
vc |
Extract variance components |