Abbe |
A function to compute Abbe values |
adjust_pattern |
A function to create new pattern-coding schemes for the Fisher Information. |
complexity_Renyi |
A function to compute Renyi complexity |
fis |
A (low-level) function to compute the Fisher-information |
generate_lehmerperm_matrix |
A function to generate the Lehmer permutation ordering. |
global_complexity |
A function to compute global information and complexity measures for time series |
hellinger_distance |
Distance measure between ordinal pattern distributions: Hellinger distance |
henon_map |
A function to generate a time series from the Henon Map |
A function to compute Horizontal Visibility Graphs and associated statistics |
jensen_shannon_divergence |
Generalized disequilibrium measure for ordinal pattern distributions based on the Jensen-Shannon Divergence |
limit_curves |
Limit curves in the Entropy-Complexity plane |
logistic_map |
A function to generate a time series from the logistic map |
maxd3 |
Maximum curve of time-causal entropy-complexity plane at ndemb=3 |
maxd4 |
Maximum curve of time-causal entropy-complexity plane at ndemb=4 |
maxd5 |
Maximum curve of time-causal entropy-complexity plane at ndemb=5 |
maxd6 |
Maximum curve of time-causal entropy-complexity plane at ndemb=6 |
migfc |
A function to compute Mean information gain (MIG) and Fluctuation complexity (FC) |
mind3 |
Minimum curve of time-causal entropy-complexity plane at ndemb=3 |
mind4 |
Minimum curve of time-causal entropy-complexity plane at ndemb=4 |
mind5 |
Minimum curve of time-causal entropy-complexity plane at ndemb=5 |
mind6 |
Minimum curve of time-causal entropy-complexity plane at ndemb=6 |
MPR_complexity |
A function to compute the MPR-complexity |
nbitflips |
A function to compute bitflip statistics and time series |
ordinal_pattern_distribution |
A function to compute ordinal pattern statistics |
ordinal_pattern_time_series |
A function to compute time series of ordinal patterns |
permutation_entropy |
A function to compute the permutation entropy |
permutation_entropy_qlog |
A function to compute q-log permutation entropy |
permutation_entropy_Renyi |
A function to compute Renyi entropy |
powernoise |
A function to generate k-noise |
quadratic_map |
A function to generate a time series from the Quadratic map |
q_complexity |
A function to compute q-log complexity |
rank_to_permutation |
A function to convert a "ranks-based" permutation notation to an "index-based" permutation scheme. |
schuster_map |
A function to generate a time series from the Schuster Map |
skew_tent_map |
A function to generate a time series from the logistic map |
tent_map |
A function to generate a time series from the logistic map |
transformPermCoding |
A function to generate a vector from an index-transformation vector from a permutation coding scheme |
Turning_point |
A function to compute Turning points |
weighted_ordinal_pattern_distribution |
A function to compute weighted ordinal pattern statistics |