VLSTARjoint {starvars}R Documentation

Joint linearity test


This function allows the user to test linearity against a Vector Smooth Transition Autoregressive Model with a single transition variable.


VLSTARjoint(y, exo = NULL, st, st.choice = FALSE, alpha = 0.05)



data.frame or matrix of dependent variables of dimension (Txn)


(optional) data.frame or matrix of exogenous variables of dimension (Txk)


single transition variable for all the equation of dimension (Tx1)


boolean identifying whether the transition variable should be selected from a matrix of R potential variables of dimension (TxR)


Confidence level


Given a VLSTAR model with a unique transition variable, s_{1t} = s_{2t} = \dots = s_{\widetilde{n}t} = s_t, a generalization of the linearity test presented in Luukkonen, Saikkonen and Terasvirta (1988) may be implemented.

Assuming a 2-state VLSTAR model, such that

y_t = B_{1}z_t + G_tB_{2}z_t + \varepsilon_t.

Where the null H_{0} : \gamma_{j} = 0, j = 1, \dots, \widetilde{n}, is such that G_t \equiv (1/2)/\widetilde{n} and the previous Equation is linear. When the null cannot be rejected, an identification problem of the parameter c_{j} in the transition function emerges, that can be solved through a first-order Taylor expansion around \gamma_{j} = 0.

The approximation of the logistic function with a first-order Taylor expansion is given by

G(s_t; \gamma_{j},c_{j}) = (1/2) + (1/4)\gamma_{j}(s_t-c_{j}) + r_{jt}

= a_{j}s_t + b_{j} + r_{jt}

where a_{j} = \gamma_{j}/4, b_{j} = 1/2 - a_{j}c_{j} and r_{j} is the error of the approximation. If G_t is specified as follows

G_t = diag\big\{a_{1}s_t + b_{1} + r_{1t}, \dots, a_{\widetilde{n}}s_t+b_{\widetilde{n}} + r_{\widetilde{n}t}\big\}

= As_t + B + R_t

where A = diag(a_{1}, \dots, a_{\widetilde{n}}), B = diag(b_{1},\dots, b_{\widetilde{n}}) e R_t = diag(r_{1t}, \dots, r_{\widetilde{n}t}), y_t can be written as

y_t = B_{1}z_t + (As_t + B + R_t)B_{2}z_t+\varepsilon_t

= (B_{1} + BB_{2})z_t+AB_{2}z_ts_t + R_tB_{2}z_t + \varepsilon_t

= \Theta_{0}z_t + \Theta_{1}z_ts_t+\varepsilon_t^{*}

where \Theta_{0} = B_{1} + B_{2}'B, \Theta_{1} = B_{2}'A and \varepsilon_t^{*} = R_tB_{2} + \varepsilon_t. Under the null, \Theta_{0} = B_{1} and \Theta_{1} = 0, while the previous model is linear, with \varepsilon_t^{*} = \varepsilon_t. It follows that the Lagrange multiplier test, under the null, is derived from the score

\frac{\partial \log L(\widetilde{\theta})}{\partial \Theta_{1}} = \sum_{t=1}^{T}z_ts_t(y_t - \widetilde{B}_{1}z_t)'\widetilde{\Omega}^{-1} = S(Y - Z\widetilde{B}_{1})\widetilde{\Omega}^{-1},


S = z_{1}'s_{1}\\\vdots\\ z_t's_t

and where \widetilde{B}_{1} and \widetilde{\Omega} are estimated from the model in H_{0}. If P_{Z} = Z(Z'Z)^{-1}Z' is the projection matrix of Z, the LM test is specified as follows

LM = tr\big\{\widetilde{\Omega}^{-1}(Y - Z\widetilde{B}_{1})'S\big[S'(I_t - P_{Z})S\big]^{-1}S'(Y-Z\widetilde{B}_{1})\big\}.

Under the null, the test statistics is distributed as a \chi^{2} with \widetilde{n}(p\cdot\widetilde{n} + k) degrees of freedom.


An object of class VLSTARjoint.


Andrea Bucci


Luukkonen R., Saikkonen P. and Terasvirta T. (1988), Testing Linearity Against Smooth Transition Autoregressive Models. Biometrika, 75: 491-499

Terasvirta T. and Yang Y. (2015), Linearity and Misspecification Tests for Vector Smooth Transition Regression Models. CREATES Research Paper 2014-4

[Package starvars version 1.1.10 Index]