NcVarReader {startR} | R Documentation |
NetCDF variable reader for 'startR'
This is an auxiliary variable reader function for NetCDF files, intended for
use as parameter 'file_var_reader' in a Start() call. It complies with the
input/output interface required by Start() defined in the documentation for
the parameter 'file_var_reader' of that function.
This function uses the function NcDataReader() in the package 'startR',
which in turn uses NcToArray() in the package 'easyNCDF', which in turn uses
nc_var_get() in the package 'ncdf4'.
file_path = NULL,
file_object = NULL,
file_selectors = NULL,
var_name = NULL,
file_path |
A character string indicating the path to the data file to read the variable from. See details in the documentation of the parameter 'file_var_reader' of the function Start(). The default value is NULL. |
file_object |
An open connection to a NetCDF file, optionally with additional header information. See details in the documentation of the parameter 'file_var_reader' of the function Start(). The default value is NULL. |
file_selectors |
A named list containing the information of the path of the file to read data from. It is automatically provided by Start(). See details in the documentation of the parameter 'file_var_reader' of the function Start(). The default value is NULL. |
var_name |
A character string with the name of the variable to be read. The default value is NULL. |
synonims |
A named list indicating the synonims for the dimension names to look for in the requested file, exactly as provided in the parameter 'synonims' in a Start() call. See details in the documentation of the parameter 'file_var_reader' of the function Start(). |
A multidimensional data array with the named dimensions, potentially with the attribute 'variables' with additional auxiliary data. See details in the documentation of the parameter 'file_var_reader' of the function Start().
See Also
data_path <- system.file('extdata', package = 'startR')
file_to_open <- file.path(data_path, 'obs/monthly_mean/tos/')
file_selectors <- c(dat = 'dat1', var = 'tos', sdate = '200011')
synonims <- list(dat = 'dat', var = 'var', sdate = 'sdate', time = 'time',
latitude = 'latitude', longitude = 'longitude')
var <- NcVarReader(file_to_open, NULL, file_selectors,
'tos', synonims)