aspect |
Calculate topographic aspect from a DEM |
carmel |
Digital Elevation Model of Mount Carmel |
CI |
Calculate the Convergence Index (CI) from a slope raster |
dem |
Small Digital Elevation Model |
detrend |
Detrend a Digital Elevation Model |
dist_to_nearest |
Calculate raster of distances to nearest feature |
extract2 |
Extract raster values by lines or polygons |
flowlength |
Calculate flow length |
focal2 |
Apply a focal filter on a raster |
focal2r |
Apply a focal filter on a raster (R) |
footprints |
Footprints |
golan |
Digital Elevation Model of Golan Heights |
landsat |
RGB image of Mount Carmel |
layer_to_matrix |
Get 'stars' layer values as matrix |
layer_to_vector |
Get 'stars' layer values as vector |
make_grid |
Make 'stars' grid from 'sf' layer |
matrix_extend |
Extend matrix |
matrix_get_neighbors |
Get neighboring cell values for given matrix cell |
matrix_to_stars |
Convert 'matrix' to 'stars' |
matrix_trim |
Trim matrix |
mode_value |
Mode |
normalize_2d |
Normalize a 2D 'stars' object |
normalize_3d |
Normalize a 3D 'stars' object |
rgb_to_greyscale |
Convert RGB to greyscale |
slope |
Calculate topographic slope from a DEM |
trim2 |
Remove empty outer rows and columns |
w_azimuth |
Create matrix with azimuths to center |
w_circle |
Create matrix with circular weight pattern |