Spatiotemporal Arrays, Raster and Vector Data Cubes

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Documentation for package ‘stars’ version 0.6-5

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A B C D E F G I L M O P R S T W misc

-- A --

aggregate spatially or temporally aggregate stars object
aggregate.stars spatially or temporally aggregate stars object
as Coerce stars object into a Raster raster or brick print stars or dimensions object retrieve coordinates for raster or vector cube cells
as.tbl_cube.stars dplyr verbs for stars objects
as_tibble.stars retrieve coordinates for raster or vector cube cells

-- B --

bcsd_obs Monthly Gridded Meteorological Observations

-- C --

c.stars combine multiple stars objects, or combine multiple attributes in a single stars object into a single array
c.stars_proxy combine multiple stars objects, or combine multiple attributes in a single stars object into a single array
coerce-method Coerce stars object into a Raster raster or brick
contour.stars plot contours of a stars object
cut.array cut methods for stars objects
cut.matrix cut methods for stars objects
cut.stars cut methods for stars objects
cut_stars cut methods for stars objects

-- D --

detect.driver write stars object to gdal dataset (typically: to file)
dplyr dplyr verbs for stars objects

-- E --

expand_dimensions expand the dimension values into a list
expand_dimensions.dimensions expand the dimension values into a list

-- F --

filter.stars dplyr verbs for stars objects
filter.stars_proxy dplyr verbs for stars objects

-- G --

geom_stars ggplot geom for stars objects

-- I --

image.stars plot stars object, with subplots for each level of first non-spatial dimension

-- L --

L7_ETMs Landsat-7 bands for a selected region around Olinda, BR

-- M --

make_intervals create an intervals object
Math.stars S3 Ops Group Generic Functions for stars objects
Math.stars_proxy S3 Ops Group Generic Functions for stars objects
mdim Read or write data using GDAL's multidimensional array API
merge merge or split stars object
merge.stars merge or split stars object
mutate.stars dplyr verbs for stars objects
mutate.stars_proxy dplyr verbs for stars objects

-- O --

Ops.stars S3 Ops Group Generic Functions for stars objects
Ops.stars_proxy S3 Ops Group Generic Functions for stars objects
ops_stars S3 Ops Group Generic Functions for stars objects

-- P --

plot plot stars object, with subplots for each level of first non-spatial dimension
plot.nc_proxy plot stars object, with subplots for each level of first non-spatial dimension
plot.stars plot stars object, with subplots for each level of first non-spatial dimension
plot.stars_proxy plot stars object, with subplots for each level of first non-spatial dimension
prcomp Principle components of stars object
prcomp.stars Principle components of stars object
prcomp.stars_proxy Principle components of stars object
predict.stars Predict values, given a model object, for a stars or stars_proxy object
predict.stars_proxy Predict values, given a model object, for a stars or stars_proxy object
print.dimensions print stars or dimensions object
print.stars print stars or dimensions object
print_stars print stars or dimensions object
pull.stars dplyr verbs for stars objects
pull.stars_proxy dplyr verbs for stars objects

-- R --

read_mdim Read or write data using GDAL's multidimensional array API
read_ncdf Read NetCDF into stars object
read_stars read raster/array dataset from file or connection
redimension redimension array, or collapse attributes into a new dimension
rename.stars dplyr verbs for stars objects
rename.stars_proxy dplyr verbs for stars objects
replace_na.stars dplyr verbs for stars objects
replace_na.stars_proxy dplyr verbs for stars objects

-- S --

select.stars dplyr verbs for stars objects
select.stars_proxy dplyr verbs for stars objects
slice.stars dplyr verbs for stars objects
slice.stars_proxy dplyr verbs for stars objects
split merge or split stars object
split.stars merge or split stars object
stars_sentinel2 Sentinel-2 sample tile
stars_subset subset stars objects
st_apply st_apply apply a function to one or more array dimensions
st_apply.stars st_apply apply a function to one or more array dimensions
st_as_sf Convert stars object into an sf object
st_as_sf.stars Convert stars object into an sf object
st_as_sf.stars_proxy Convert stars object into an sf object
st_as_sfc.stars Convert stars object into an sf object
st_as_stars convert objects into a stars object
st_as_stars.bbox convert objects into a stars object
st_as_stars.cubble_df convert objects into a stars object convert objects into a stars object
st_as_stars.default convert objects into a stars object
st_as_stars.list convert objects into a stars object
st_as_stars.ncdfgeom convert objects into a stars object
st_as_stars.OpenStreetMap convert objects into a stars object
st_as_stars.Raster convert objects into a stars object
st_as_stars.sf convert objects into a stars object
st_as_stars.SpatRaster convert objects into a stars object
st_as_stars.stars convert objects into a stars object
st_as_stars.stars_proxy convert objects into a stars object
st_as_stars.xts convert objects into a stars object
st_cells return the cell index corresponding to the location of a set of points
st_contour Compute or plot contour lines or sets
st_coordinates retrieve coordinates for raster or vector cube cells
st_coordinates.stars retrieve coordinates for raster or vector cube cells
st_crop crop a stars object
st_crop.stars crop a stars object
st_crop.stars_proxy crop a stars object
st_dimensions get dimensions from stars object
st_dimensions.array get dimensions from stars object
st_dimensions.default get dimensions from stars object
st_dimensions.stars get dimensions from stars object
st_dimensions<- get dimensions from stars object
st_dimensions<-.list get dimensions from stars object
st_dimensions<-.stars get dimensions from stars object
st_dimensions<-.stars_proxy get dimensions from stars object
st_dim_to_attr create an array with dimension values
st_downsample downsample stars or stars_proxy objects
st_downsample.stars downsample stars or stars_proxy objects
st_downsample.stars_proxy downsample stars or stars_proxy objects
st_extract Extract cell values at point locations
st_extract.stars Extract cell values at point locations
st_flip subset stars objects
st_geotransform get or set the geotransform, or rotation matrix
st_geotransform<- get or set the geotransform, or rotation matrix
st_geotransform<-.stars get or set the geotransform, or rotation matrix
st_get_dimension_values get dimensions from stars object
st_intersects.stars spatial intersect predicate for stars and sfc object
st_join.stars Spatially join a stars and an 'sf' object
st_mosaic build mosaic (composite) of several spatially disjoint stars objects
st_mosaic.character build mosaic (composite) of several spatially disjoint stars objects
st_mosaic.stars build mosaic (composite) of several spatially disjoint stars objects
st_mosaic.stars_proxy build mosaic (composite) of several spatially disjoint stars objects
st_rasterize rasterize simple feature geometries
st_raster_type get the raster type (if any) of a stars object
st_redimension redimension array, or collapse attributes into a new dimension
st_redimension.stars redimension array, or collapse attributes into a new dimension
st_redimension.stars_proxy redimension array, or collapse attributes into a new dimension
st_res obtain (spatial) resolution of a stars object
st_rgb reduce dimension to rgb (alpha) hex values
st_rotate Transform rotated pole long/lat regular grid to unrotated curvilinear grid
st_rotate.sf Transform rotated pole long/lat regular grid to unrotated curvilinear grid
st_rotate.sfc Transform rotated pole long/lat regular grid to unrotated curvilinear grid
st_rotate.stars Transform rotated pole long/lat regular grid to unrotated curvilinear grid
st_set_bbox set bounding box parameters of regular grid
st_set_dimensions get dimensions from stars object
st_sfc2xy replace POINT simple feature geometry list with an x y raster
st_tile Specify parameters to load raster in blocks
st_transform transform geometries in stars objects to a new coordinate reference system, without warping
st_transform.stars transform geometries in stars objects to a new coordinate reference system, without warping
st_transform_proj.stars transform geometries in stars objects to a new coordinate reference system, without warping
st_warp Warp (resample) grids in stars objects to a new grid, possibly in an new coordinate reference system
st_xy2sfc replace x y raster dimensions with simple feature geometry list (points, or polygons = rasterize)

-- T --

theme_stars ggplot geom for stars objects
transmute.stars dplyr verbs for stars objects
transmute.stars_proxy dplyr verbs for stars objects

-- W --

write_mdim Read or write data using GDAL's multidimensional array API
write_stars write stars object to gdal dataset (typically: to file)
write_stars.stars write stars object to gdal dataset (typically: to file)
write_stars.stars_proxy write stars object to gdal dataset (typically: to file)

-- misc --

%in%-method evaluate whether cube values are in a given set
[.stars subset stars objects
[<-.stars subset stars objects
[<-.stars_proxy subset stars objects