Tools for Standardizing Variables for Regression in R

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Documentation for package ‘standardize’ version 0.2.2

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standardize-package standardize: Tools for Standardizing Variables for Regression in R.
fac_and_contr Create a factor and specify contrasts.
is.standardized Determine if an object has class 'standardized'.
makepredictcall.scaledby S3 'makepredictcall' method for class 'scaledby'.
named_contr_sum Create named sum contrasts for an unordered factor.
predict.standardized Place new data into an already existing standardized space.
print.standardized S3 'print' method for class 'standardized'.
ptk Duration and voicing measures of voiceless plosives in Spanish
scaled_contr_poly Create scaled orthogonal polynomial contrasts for an ordered factor.
scale_by Center and scale a continuous variable conditioning on factors.
standardize Standardize a formula and data frame for regression. Print the version history of the 'standardize' package.
standardized-class Class 'standardized' containing regression variables in a standardized space.