stan4bart {stan4bart}R Documentation

Semiparametric Models Using Stan and BART


This function fits semi-parametric linear and probit models that have a non-parametric, BART component and one or more of a parametric fixed effect (unmodeled coefficients), or a parametric random effect (modeled coefficients). If f(x) is a BART “sum-of-trees” model, fits:


          data = NULL,
          na.action = getOption("na.action", "na.omit"),
          contrasts = NULL,
          test = NULL,
          treatment = NULL,
          offset_test = NULL,
          verbose = FALSE,
          iter = 2000L,
          warmup = iter %/% 2L,
          skip = 1L,
          chains = 4L,
          cores = getOption("mc.cores", 1L),
          refresh = max(iter %/% 10L, 1L),
          offset_type = c("default", "fixef", "ranef", "bart", "parametric"),
          seed = NA_integer_,
          keep_fits = TRUE,
          callback = NULL,
          stan_args = NULL,
          bart_args = NULL)



a formula object, or one that can be coerced to that type. Terms on the right-hand-side of the formula that are encased in a symbolic call to bart() will be used to create the non-parametric component. Terms that use the lmer-style grouping syntax will be added as parametric, hierarchical varying intercepts and slopes. All other terms will be added as fixed effects.


an optional data frame containing the variables in the formula. Its use is strongly encouraged.

subset, weights, na.action, offset, contrasts

optional components adjusting the constructed model matrices and otherwise changing the linear predictor. na.action cannot be "na.pass". See lm and model.matrix.default.


an optional data frame to be used as test data. If present, the test predictions will be stored as the sampler runs and can be extracted later.


an optional symbol, that when present and refers to a binary variable, will be used to create a test data frame with the treatment variable set to its counterfactual. Only one of test and treatment can be supplied.


optional vector which will be added to the test predictions.


a logical or integer. If FALSE or non-positive, runs quietly. Additional levels of information may be displayed for increasingly positive numbers, however a large number of diagnostics are suppressed when running multi-threaded. If negative, all diagnostic information is ignored.


positive integer indicating the number of posterior samples to draw and return. Includes warmup samples.


non-negative integer indicating number of posterior samples to draw and throw away. Also controls the number of iterations for which adaptation is run.


one or two positive integers. Every skip sample will be kept, while every other sample will be discarded. If argument is length two, an attempt will be made to use he named element "bart" for BART and "stan" for Stan. If not named, BART is the first skip element and Stan is the second. This argument does not impact the number of iters returned, unlike a conventional “thinning” parameter.


positive integer giving the number of Markov Chains to sample.


positive integer giving the number of units of parallelization. Computation for each chain will be divide among the cores available. When greater than one, verbose output within chains will not be available.


positive integer giving the frequency with which diagnostic information should be printed as the sampler runs. Only applies with cores (or chains) equal to 1.


character; an experimental/testing feature that controls how offset is to be interpreted. When one of "fixef", "ranef", or "bart", the offset is used to replace that part of the model. When "parametric", it replaces both of the fixed and random parametric components. Sampling is still done for these components and their draws are stored, however whenever they were present in the fit the supplied value is used instead.


Optional integer specifying the desired pRNG seed. It should not be needed when running single-threaded - calling set.seed will suffice. The primary use of seed is to obtain reproducible results when multi-threaded. See Reproducibility section below.


Logical that, when false, prevents the sampler from storing each draw. Intended to be used with callback.


A function that will be called at each iteration, accepting three arguments: yhat.train, yhat.test, stan_pars. See details for more information.


optional list, specifying further arguments to Stan. See details below.


optional list, specifying further arguments to BART. See details below.


Fits a Bayesian “mixed effect” model with a non-parametric Bayesian Additive Regression Trees (BART) component. For continuous responses:

where b_j are the “random effects” - random intercepts and slopes - that correspond to group j, g[i] is a mapping from individual i to its group index, f - a BART sum-of-trees model, X^b are predictors used in the BART model, X^f are predictors in a parametric, linear “fixed effect” component, Z is the design matrix for the random intercept and slopes, and sigma and Sigma_b are variance components.

Binary outcome models are obtained by assuming a latent variable that has the above distribution, and that the observed response is 1 when that variable is positive and 0 otherwise. The response variable marginally has the distribution:

where \Phi is the cumulative distribution function of the standard normal distribution.


As stan4bart fits a Bayesian model, essentially all components are “modeled”. Furthermore, as it has two first-level, non-hierarchical components, “fixed” effects are ambiguous. Thus we adopt:

Model Specification

Model specification occurs in the formula object, according to the following rules:

All three components can be present in a single model, however are bart part must present. If you wish to fit a model without one, use stan_glmer in the rstanarm package instead.

Additional Arguments

The stan_args and bart_args arguments to stan4bart can be used to pass further arguments to stan and bart respectively. These are similar to the functions stan in the rstan package and bart, but not identical as stan4bart constructs its own model internally.

Stan arguments include:

For reference on the first two sets of options, see the help page for stan_glmer in the rstanarm package; for reference on the third set, see the help page for stan in the rstan package.

BART arguments include:


Behavior differs when running multi- and single-threaded, as the pseudo random number generators (pRNG) used by R are not thread safe. When single-threaded, R's built-in generator is used; if set at the start, .Random.seed will be used and its value updated as samples are drawn. When multi-threaded, the default behavior is draw new random seeds for each thread using the clock and use thread-specific pRNGs.

This behavior can be modified by setting seed. For the single-threaded case, that seed will be installed and the existing seed replaced at the end, if applicable. For multi-threaded runs, the seeds for threads are drawn sequentially using the supplied seed, and will not change the state of R's built-in generator.

Consequently, the seed argument should not be needed when running single-threaded - set.seed will suffice. When multi-threaded, seed can be used to obtain reproducible results.


Callbacks can be used to avoid expensive memory allocation, aggregating results as the sampler proceeds instead of waiting until the end. A callback funtion must accept the arguments:

It is expected that the callback will return a vector of the same length each time. If not, invalid memory writes will likely result. If the result of the callback has names, they will be added to the result.


At present, stan4bart models cannot be safely saved and loaded in a way that the sampler can be restarted. This feature may be added in the future.


Returns a list assigned class stan4bartFit. Has components below, some of which will be NULL if not applicable.

Input values:


response vector


weights vector or null


offset vector or null


joint model frame for all components


formula used to specify the model


supplied na.action


original call

Stored data:


data object used for BART component


fixed effect design matrix or NULL


column means of fixed effect design matrix when appropriate


random effect “terms” object when applicable, as used by lmer


named list when applicable, having components X and reTrms; test data for BART is added to the bartData result


treatment vector, when applicable

Results, better accessed using extract:


samples of individual posterior predictions for BART component


predicted test values for BART component, when applicable


BART variable counts


samples of residual standard error; not present for binary outcomes


samples of the end-node sensitivity parameter; only present when it is modeled


samples of random effects, or modeled coefficients; will be a named list, with effects for each grouping factor


samples of covariance of random effects; also a named list with one element for each grouping factor


samples of the fixed effects, or unmodeled coefficients


samples returned by an optional callback function

Other items:


a list of warmup samples, containing the same objects in the results subsection


Stan sampler produced diagnostic information, include tree depth and divergent transitions


external points to BART samplers; used only for predict when keepTrees is TRUE


internal scale used by BART samplers, used by predict when keepTrees is TRUE


Vincent Dorie:

See Also

bart, lmer, and stan_glmer in the rstanarm package


# simulate data (extension of Friedman MARS paper)
# x consists of 10 variables, only first 5 matter
# x_4 is linear
f <- function(x)
  10 * sin(pi * x[,1] * x[,2]) + 20 * (x[,3] - 0.5)^2 +
      10 * x[,4] + 5 * x[,5]

sigma <- 1.0

n <- 100
n.g.1 <- 5L
n.g.2 <- 8L

# sample observation level covariates and calculate marginal mean
x <- matrix(runif(n * 10), n, 10)
mu.bart  <- f(x) - 10 * x[,4]
mu.fixef <- 10 * x[,4]

# varying intercepts and slopes for first grouping factor
g.1 <- sample(n.g.1, n, replace = TRUE)
Sigma.b.1 <- matrix(c(1.5^2, .2, .2, 1^2), 2)
b.1 <- matrix(rnorm(2 * n.g.1), n.g.1) %*% chol(Sigma.b.1)

# varying intercepts for second grouping factor
g.2 <- sample(n.g.2, n, replace = TRUE)
Sigma.b.2 <- as.matrix(1.2)
b.2 <- rnorm(n.g.2, 0, sqrt(Sigma.b.2))

mu.ranef <- b.1[g.1,1] + x[,4] * b.1[g.1,2] + b.2[g.2]

y <- mu.bart + mu.fixef + mu.ranef + rnorm(n, 0, sigma)

df <- data.frame(y, x, g.1, g.2)

fit <- stan4bart(
    formula = y ~
        X4 +                         # linear component ("fixef")
        (1 + X4 | g.1) + (1 | g.2) + # multilevel ("ranef")
        bart(. - g.1 - g.2 - X4),    # use bart for other variables
    verbose = -1, # suppress ALL output
    # low numbers for illustration
    data = df,
    chains = 1, iter = 10, bart_args = list(n.trees = 5))

# posterior means of individual expected values
y.hat <- fitted(fit)

# posterior means of the random effects
ranef.hat <- fitted(fit, type = "ranef")

[Package stan4bart version 0.0-8 Index]