Staged Event Trees

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Documentation for package ‘stagedtrees’ version 2.3.0

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A B C D F G H I J L M P R S T W misc

stagedtrees-package Staged event trees.

-- A --

as.character.parentslist Print a parentslist object
Asym Asym dataset
as_adj_matrix Convert to an adjacency matrix
as_adj_matrix.ceg Convert to an adjacency matrix
as_adj_matrix.parentslist Convert to an adjacency matrix
as_bn Convert to a 'bnlearn' object
as_bn.parentslist Convert to a 'bnlearn' object
as_bn.sevt Convert to a 'bnlearn' object
as_igraph 'igraph' conversion
as_igraph.ceg 'igraph' conversion
as_igraph.sevt 'igraph' conversion
as_parentslist Obtain the equivalent DAG as list of parents Obtain the equivalent DAG as list of parents Obtain the equivalent DAG as list of parents
as_parentslist.sevt Obtain the equivalent DAG as list of parents
as_sevt Coerce to sevt Coerce to sevt Coerce to sevt
as_sevt.parentslist Coerce to sevt

-- B --

barplot.sevt Bar plots of stage probabilities

-- C --

ceg Chain event graph (CEG)
cid Context specific interventional discrepancy
ci_matrices Conditional independences matrices of stages
compare_stages Compare two staged event tree
confint.sevt Confidence intervals for staged event tree parameters
covid_patients Trajectories of hospitalized SARS-CoV-2 patients

-- D --

depsubtree Extract dependency subtree
diff_stages Compare two staged event tree

-- F --

full Full and independent staged event tree Full and independent staged event tree
full.table Full and independent staged event tree
full_indep Full and independent staged event tree

-- G --

generate_linear_dataset Generate a random binary dataset for classification
generate_random_dataset Generate a random binary dataset
generate_xor_dataset Generate a xor dataset
get_edges 'igraph' conversion
get_edges.ceg 'igraph' conversion
get_edges.sevt 'igraph' conversion
get_path Get stage or path
get_stage Get stage or path
get_vertices 'igraph' conversion
get_vertices.ceg 'igraph' conversion
get_vertices.sevt 'igraph' conversion

-- H --

hamming_stages Compare two staged event tree

-- I --

igraph-conversion 'igraph' conversion
inclusions_stages Inclusions of stages
indep Full and independent staged event tree Full and independent staged event tree
indep.table Full and independent staged event tree

-- J --

join_positions join positions in a staged tree model
join_unobserved Join situations with no observations

-- L --

logLik.sevt Log-Likelihood of a staged event tree
lr_test Likelihood Ratio Test for staged trees models

-- M --

make_stages_col Plot method for staged event trees

-- P --

PhDArticles PhD Students Publications
plot.ceg igraph's plotting for CEG
plot.sevt Plot method for staged event trees
Pokemon Pokemon Go Users
predict.sevt Predict method for staged event tree
print.parentslist Print a parentslist object
print.sevt Print a staged event tree
print.sevt.stgs The stages of a staged event tree
print.summary.sevt Summarizing staged event trees
prob Probabilities for a staged event tree

-- R --

random_parentslist Generate a random 'parentslist' object (DAG)
random_sevt Generate a random (fitted) sevt
random_sevt.list Generate a random (fitted) sevt
random_sevt.parentslist Generate a random (fitted) sevt
random_sevt.sevt Generate a random (fitted) sevt
rename_stage Rename stage(s) in staged event tree

-- S --

sample_from Sample from a staged event tree
search_best Optimal Order Search
search_greedy Greedy Order Search
sevt Staged event tree (sevt) class Staged event tree (sevt) class
sevt.list Staged event tree (sevt) class
sevt.table Staged event tree (sevt) class
sevt_add Add a variable to a staged event tree
sevt_df Number of parameters of a staged event tree
sevt_fit Fit a staged event tree
sevt_nvar Number of variables
sevt_simplify Simplify a staged tree model
sevt_varnames Variable names
stagedtrees Staged event trees.
stages The stages of a staged event tree
stages.sevt The stages of a staged event tree
stages<- The stages of a staged event tree
stages_bhc Backward hill-climbing
stages_bhcr Backward random hill-climbing
stages_bj Backward joining of stages
stages_csbhc Context-specific Backward hill-climbing
stages_fbhc Fast backward hill-climbing
stages_hc Hill-climbing
stages_hclust Learn a staged tree with hierarchical clustering
stages_kmeans Learn a staged tree with k-means clustering
stages_simplebhc Backward hill-climbing for simple staged trees
stndnaming Standard renaming of stages
subtree Extract subtree
summary.sevt Summarizing staged event trees

-- T --

text.sevt Add text to a staged event tree plot
trajectories Hospital trajectories

-- W --

write_tikz Export the staged tree or CEG graph to tikz
write_tikz.sevt Export the staged tree or CEG graph to tikz

-- misc --

[.sevt.stgs The stages of a staged event tree
[<-.sevt.stgs The stages of a staged event tree
[[.sevt.stgs The stages of a staged event tree
[[<-.sevt.stgs The stages of a staged event tree