r_mig_mult_dc {stacomiR} | R Documentation |
Counting device operation for three different counting device in Arzal (Vilaine, France)
This dataset corresponds to data collected at three different control devices. This object is of class report_dc-class with data loaded it is loaded along with r_mig_mult and used in demonstration for the report_mig_mult-class
An object of class report_dc with 4 slots
- data
A dataframe with 25 rows and 7 variables
- per_dis_identifiant
the df or dc unique id
- per_date_debut
the starting date of the counting device operation
- per_date_fin
the ending date of the counting device operation
- per_commentaires
comments on the counting device operation
- per_etat_fonctionnement
Boolean, is the counting device working ?
- lot_std_code
stage id
- per_tar_code
The type of operation for the DC, 1 normal operation, 2 device stopped in normal operation (the stop is considered as normal, e.g. you don't monitor video if a cage has been placed to trap fishes), 3 stopped for maintenance or other problem, 4 the DC is working but not well (escapement in a tank, high turbidity preventing video counting...), 5 unknown operation.
- libelle
The label for the type or operation
- dc
the DC with 4 slots- dc_selected
the selected device
- ouvrage
the dam
- station
the monitoring station, a section of river
- data
A dataset of all dc present in the database with 10 observations
- horodatedebut
the beginning date, a ref_horodate-class
- horodatefin
the ending date, a ref_horodate-class