stacking_predict {stacking} | R Documentation |
Predict for new data
Return predicted values for newX based on training results of stacking.
stacking_predict(newX, stacking_train_result)
newX |
An N x P matrix of explanatory variables of new data where N is the number of samples and P is the number of explanatory variables. Note that the order of explanatory variables should be the same as those for training. Column names of newX are ignored. |
stacking_train_result |
A list output by stacking_train. When train_basemodel and train_metamodel are directly used, a list combining each output should be created and given as stacking_train_result. See examples for this operation. |
Prediction processes of this package are as follows. First, newX is given to all base models. As a result, each base learner returns Nfold predicted values where Nfold is an argument of stacking_train. Then the predicted values are averaged for each learner. Giving these averaged values as the explanatory variables of the meta model, final predicted values are output.
result |
Vector of predicted values. When TrainEachFold of stacking_train or train_metamodel is TRUE (i.e., stacking_train_result$meta$TrainEachFold is TRUE), the values are the averages of the values predicted from the meta models trained for each cross-validation fold. In the case of classification, the probabilities of each category are returned. |
Taichi Nukui, Akio Onogi
#Create a toy example
##Number of training samples
N1 <- 100
##Number of explanatory variables
P <- 200
##Create X of training data
X1 <- matrix(rnorm(N1 * P), nrow = N1, ncol = P)
colnames(X1) <- 1:P#column names are required by caret
##Assume that the first 10 variables have effects on Y
##Then add noise with rnorm
Y1 <- rowSums(X1[, 1:10]) + rnorm(N1)
##Test data
N2 <- 100
X2 <- matrix(rnorm(N2 * P), nrow = N2, ncol = P)
colnames(X2) <- 1:P#Ignored (not required)
Y2 <- rowSums(X2[, 1:10])
#Specify base learners
Method <- list(glmnet = data.frame(alpha = c(0.5, 0.8), lambda = c(0.1, 1)),
pls = data.frame(ncomp = 5))
#=>This specifies 5 base learners.
##1. glmnet with alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.1
##2. glmnet with alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 1
##3. glmnet with alpha = 0.8 and lambda = 0.1
##4. glmnet with alpha = 0.8 and lambda = 1
##5. pls with ncomp = 5
#The followings are the training and prediction processes
#If glmnet and pls are not installed, please install them in advance.
#Please remove #s before execution
#stacking_train_result <- stacking_train(X = X1,
# Y = Y1,
# Nfold = 5,
# Method = Method,
# Metamodel = "lm",
# core = 2)
#result <- stacking_predict(newX = X2, stacking_train_result)
#plot(Y2, result)
#Training using train_basemodel and train_metamodel
#base <- train_basemodel(X = X1, Y = Y1, Nfold = 5, Method = Method, core = 3)
#meta <- train_metamodel(base, which_to_use = 1:5, Metamodel = "lm")
#stacking_train_result <- list(base = base, meta = meta)
#=>this list should have elements named as base and meta
#result <- stacking_predict(newX = X2, stacking_train_result)
#plot(Y2, result)