stablereg {stable} | R Documentation |
Stable Generalized Regression Models
fits user specified generalized linear and nonlinear
regression models based on the stable distribution to (uncensored, right
and/or left censored) data. This allows the location, the dispersion, the
skewness and the tails of the fitted stable distribution to vary with
explanatory variables.
y = NULL,
loc = 0,
disp = 1,
skew = 0,
tail = 1.5,
oloc = TRUE,
odisp = TRUE,
oskew = TRUE,
otail = TRUE,
noopt = FALSE,
iloc = NULL,
idisp = NULL,
iskew = NULL,
itail = NULL,
loc_h = NULL,
disp_h = NULL,
skew_h = NULL,
tail_h = NULL,
weights = 1,
exact = FALSE,
delta = 1,
envir = parent.frame(),
integration = "Romberg",
eps = 1e-06,
up = 10,
npoint = 501,
hessian = TRUE,
llik.output = FALSE,
print.level = 0,
ndigit = 10,
steptol = 1e-05,
gradtol = 1e-05,
fscale = 1,
typsize = abs(p0),
stepmax = sqrt(p0 %*% p0),
iterlim = 100
y |
The response vector or a For censored data, two columns with the second being the censoring indicator (1: uncensored, 0: right censored, -1: left censored.) |
loc , loc_h , oloc , iloc |
Describe the regression model fitted for the
location parameter of the stable distribution, perhaps after transformation
by the link function Two specifications are possible: (1)
(2) If But when Specification (1) is especially useful in ANOVA-like situations where the location is assumed to change with the levels of some factor variable. |
disp , disp_h , odisp , idisp |
describe the regression model for the
dispersion parameter of the fitted stable distribution, after transformation
by the link function |
skew , skew_h , oskew , iskew |
describe the regression model for the
skewness parameter of the fitted stable distribution, after transformation
by the link function |
tail , tail_h , otail , itail |
describe the regression model considered
for the tail parameter of the fitted stable distribution, after
transformation by the link function |
noopt |
When set to TRUE, it forces |
weights |
Weight vector. |
exact |
If TRUE, fits the exact likelihood function for continuous data by integration over intervals of observation, i.e. interval censoring. |
delta |
Scalar or vector giving the unit of measurement for each
response value, set to unity by default. For example, if a response is
measured to two decimals, |
envir |
Environment in which model formulae are to be interpreted or a
data object of class, |
integration , eps , up , npoint |
hessian |
Arguments controlling the optimization procedure |
llik.output |
is TRUE when the likelihood has to be displayed at each iteration of the optimization. |
print.level |
Arguments controlling the optimization procedure |
ndigit |
Arguments controlling the optimization procedure |
steptol |
Arguments controlling the optimization procedure |
gradtol |
Arguments controlling the optimization procedure |
fscale |
Arguments controlling the optimization procedure |
typsize |
Arguments controlling the optimization procedure |
stepmax |
Arguments controlling the optimization procedure |
iterlim |
Arguments controlling the optimization procedure |
A list of class stable
is returned. The printed output
includes the -log-likelihood, the corresponding AIC, the maximum likelihood
estimates, standard errors, and correlations. It also include all the
relevant information calculated, including error codes.
Because of the numerical integrations involved,
convergence can be very sensitive to the initial parameter values supplied
and to the settings of the arguments controlling nlm
. If nlm
feeds extreme parameter values in the tails of the distribution to the
likelihood function, the integration may hang for a long time.
Philippe Lambert (Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium, and Jim Lindsey.
Lambert, P. and Lindsey, J.K. (1999) Analysing financial returns using regression models based on non-symmetric stable distributions. Applied Statistics 48, 409-424.
See Also
, glm
, stable
and stable.mode
## Share return over a 50 day period (see reference above)
# shares
y <- c(296,296,300,302,300,304,303,299,293,294,294,293,295,287,288,297,
# returns
ret <- (y[2:50]-y[1:49])/y[1:49]
# hist(ret, breaks=seq(-0.035,0.045,0.01))
day <- seq(0,0.48,by=0.01) # time measured in days/100
x <- seq(1,length(ret))-1
# Classic stationary normal model tail=2
print(z1 <- stablereg(y = ret, delta = 1/y[1:49],
loc = ~1, disp= ~1, skew = ~1, tail = tail_g(1.9999999),
iloc = 0, idisp = -3, iskew = 0, oskew = FALSE, otail = FALSE))
# Normal model (tail=2) with dispersion=disp_h(b0+b1*day)
print(z2 <- stablereg(y = ret, delta = 1/y[1:49], loc = ~day,
disp = ~1, skew = ~1, tail = tail_g(1.999999), iloc = c(0.003,0),
idisp = -4.5, iskew = 0, oskew = FALSE, otail = FALSE))
# Stable model with loc(ation)=loc_h(b0+b1*day)
print(z3 <- stablereg(y = ret, delta = 1/y[1:49],
loc = ~day, disp = ~1, skew = ~1, tail = ~1,
iloc = c(0.001,-0.004), idisp = -4.8, iskew = 0, itail = 0.6))
# Stable model with disp(ersion)=disp_h(b0+b1*day)
print(z4 <- stablereg(y = ret, delta = 1/y[1:49],
loc = ~1, disp = ~day, skew = ~1, tail = ~1,
iloc = 0.003, idisp = c(-4.8,0), iskew = -0.03, itail = 1.6))
# Stable model with skew(ness)=skew_h(b0+b1*day)
# Evaluation at fixed parameter values (because noopt is set to TRUE)
print(z5 <- stablereg(y = ret, delta = 1/y[1:49],
loc = ~1, disp = ~1, skew = ~day, tail = ~1,
iloc = 5.557e-04, idisp = -4.957, iskew = c(2.811,-2.158),
itail = 1.57, noopt=TRUE))
# Stable model with tail=tail_h(b0+b1*day)
print(z6 <- stablereg(y = ret, delta = 1/y[1:49], loc = ret ~ 1,
disp = ~1, skew = ~1, tail = ~day, iloc = 0.002,
idisp = -4.8, iskew = -2, itail = c(2.4,-4), hessian=FALSE))