plotBeta {stR}R Documentation

Plots the varying beta coefficients of decomposition


plotBeta plots the varying beta coefficients of STR decomposition. It plots coefficients only only for independent seasons (one less season than defined).


  xTime = NULL,
  predictorN = 1,
  dim = c(1, 2, 3),
  type = "o",
  pch = 20,
  palette = function(n) rainbow(n, start = 0, end = 0.7)



Result of STR decomposition.


Times for data to plot.


Predictor number in the decomposition to plot the corresponding beta coefficiets.


Dimensions to use to plot the beta coefficients. When 1, the standard charts are used. When 2, graphics:::filled.contour function is used. When 3, rgl:::persp3d is used. The default value is 1.


Type of the graph for one dimensional plots.


Symbol code to plot points in 1-dimensional charts. Default value is 20.


Color palette for 2 - and 3 - dimentional plots.


Alexander Dokumentov

See Also



fit <- AutoSTR(log(grocery))
for (i in 1:2) plotBeta(fit, predictorN = i, dim = 2)


TrendSeasonalStructure <- list(
  segments = list(c(0, 1)),
  sKnots = list(c(1, 0))
DailySeasonalStructure <- list(
  segments = list(c(0, 48)),
  sKnots = c(as.list(1:47), list(c(48, 0)))
WeeklySeasonalStructure <- list(
  segments = list(c(0, 336)),
  sKnots = c(as.list(seq(4, 332, 4)), list(c(336, 0)))
WDSeasonalStructure <- list(
  segments = list(c(0, 48), c(100, 148)),
  sKnots = c(as.list(c(1:47, 101:147)), list(c(0, 48, 100, 148)))

TrendSeasons <- rep(1, nrow(electricity))
DailySeasons <- as.vector(electricity[, "DailySeasonality"])
WeeklySeasons <- as.vector(electricity[, "WeeklySeasonality"])
WDSeasons <- as.vector(electricity[, "WorkingDaySeasonality"])

Data <- as.vector(electricity[, "Consumption"])
Times <- as.vector(electricity[, "Time"])
TempM <- as.vector(electricity[, "Temperature"])
TempM2 <- TempM^2

TrendTimeKnots <- seq(from = head(Times, 1), to = tail(Times, 1), length.out = 116)
SeasonTimeKnots <- seq(from = head(Times, 1), to = tail(Times, 1), length.out = 24)
SeasonTimeKnots2 <- seq(from = head(Times, 1), to = tail(Times, 1), length.out = 12)

TrendData <- rep(1, length(Times))
SeasonData <- rep(1, length(Times))

Trend <- list(
  name = "Trend",
  data = TrendData,
  times = Times,
  seasons = TrendSeasons,
  timeKnots = TrendTimeKnots,
  seasonalStructure = TrendSeasonalStructure,
  lambdas = c(1500, 0, 0)
WSeason <- list(
  name = "Weekly seas",
  data = SeasonData,
  times = Times,
  seasons = WeeklySeasons,
  timeKnots = SeasonTimeKnots2,
  seasonalStructure = WeeklySeasonalStructure,
  lambdas = c(0.8, 0.6, 100)
WDSeason <- list(
  name = "Dayly seas",
  data = SeasonData,
  times = Times,
  seasons = WDSeasons,
  timeKnots = SeasonTimeKnots,
  seasonalStructure = WDSeasonalStructure,
  lambdas = c(0.003, 0, 240)
TrendTempM <- list(
  name = "Trend temp Mel",
  data = TempM,
  times = Times,
  seasons = TrendSeasons,
  timeKnots = TrendTimeKnots,
  seasonalStructure = TrendSeasonalStructure,
  lambdas = c(1e7, 0, 0)
TrendTempM2 <- list(
  name = "Trend temp Mel^2",
  data = TempM2,
  times = Times,
  seasons = TrendSeasons,
  timeKnots = TrendTimeKnots,
  seasonalStructure = TrendSeasonalStructure,
  lambdas = c(0.01, 0, 0)
) # Starting parameter is too far from the optimal value
Predictors <- list(Trend, WSeason, WDSeason, TrendTempM, TrendTempM2) <- STR(
  data = Data,
  predictors = Predictors,
  gapCV = 48 * 7

  xTime = as.Date("2000-01-11") + ((Times - 1) / 48 - 10),
  forecastPanels = NULL

plotBeta(, predictorN = 4)
plotBeta(, predictorN = 5) # Beta coefficients are too "wiggly"

[Package stR version 0.7 Index]