Ovocytes {ssym} | R Documentation |
Fraction of cell volume
This data set comes from an experiment comparing the responses of immature and mature goat ovocytes to an hyper-osmotic test. As a compound permeates,
water reenters the cell, and the cell re-expands until the system reaches an osmotic equilibrium. The results are obtained using immature and ovulated
(mature) ovocytes exposed to propanediol, a permeable compound. Then, the cell volume during equilibration is recorded at each time t
A data frame with 161 observations on the following 3 variables.
stage of the goat ovocyte: Mature or Immature.
time since exposition to propanediol.
fraction of initial isotonic cell volume at any given time t during equilibration.
Huet, S., Bouvier, A., Gruet, M.A. and Jolivet, E. (1996). Statistical Tools for Nonlinear Regression. Springer, New York.
Le Gal F., Gasqui P., Renard J.P. (1994) Differential Osmotic Behavior of Mammalian Oocytes before and after Maturation: A Quantitative Analysis Using Goat Oocytes as a Model. Cryobiology, 31: 154-170.
Huet S., Bouvier A., Gruet M.A., Jolivet E. (1996) Statistical Tools for Nonlinear Regression. Springer-Verlag: New York.
data("Ovocytes", package="ssym")
xl <- "Time"
yl <- "Fraction of Cell Volume"
mm <- "Fraction of Cell Volume for Mature and Immature Goat Ovocytes"
rx <- range(Ovocytes$time)
ry <- range(Ovocytes$fraction)
plot(Ovocytes$time[Ovocytes$type=='Mature'], Ovocytes$fraction[Ovocytes$type=='Mature'],
xlim=rx, ylim=ry, type="p", cex=0.5, lwd=1, ylab="", xlab="")
plot(Ovocytes$time[Ovocytes$type=='Immature'], Ovocytes$fraction[Ovocytes$type=='Immature'],
xlim=rx, ylim=ry, type="p", cex=0.5, lwd=2, ylab=yl, xlab=xl, main=mm)
legend(rx[1], ry[2], pt.lwd=c(1,2), bty="n", legend=c("Mature","Immature"), pt.cex=0.5, pch=1)