RandHIE {ssmodels}R Documentation

RAND Health Insurance Experiment


'The RAND Health Insurance Experiment (RAND HIE) was a comprehensive study of health care cost, utilization and outcome in the United States. It is the only randomized study of health insurance, and the only study which can give definitive evidence as to the causal effects of different health insurance plans. For more information about the database visit: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=RAND_Health_Insurance_Experiment&oldid=110166949 accessed september 09, 2019). This data frame contains the following columns:




An object of class data.frame with 20190 rows and 45 columns.




A Colin Cameron, Pravin K Trivedi (2005). Microeconometrics: methods and applications. Cambridge university press.

Mikhail Zhelonkin, Marc G. Genton, Elvezio Ronchetti (2019). ssmrob: Robust Estimation and Inference in Sample Selection Models. R package version 0.7, https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=ssmrob.

Ott Toomet, Arne Henningsen (2008). “Sample Selection Models in R: Package sampleSelection.” Journal of Statistical Software, 27(7). https://www.jstatsoft.org/article/view/v027i07.

Wikipedia contributors (2019). “RAND Health Insurance Experiment — Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.” https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=RAND_Health_Insurance_Experiment&oldid=909771077. [Online; accessed 9-September-2019].


##Cameron and Trivedi (2005): Section 16.6
subsample <- RandHIE$year == 2 & !is.na( RandHIE$educdec )
selectEq <- binexp ~ logc + idp + lpi + fmde + physlm + disea +
  hlthg + hlthf + hlthp + linc + lfam + educdec + xage + female +
  child + fchild + black
  outcomeEq <- lnmeddol ~ logc + idp + lpi + fmde + physlm + disea +
  hlthg + hlthf + hlthp + linc + lfam + educdec + xage + female +
  child + fchild + black
  cameron <- HeckmanCL(selectEq, outcomeEq, data = RandHIE[subsample, ])

[Package ssmodels version 1.0.1 Index]