ssize.Fvary {ssize.fdr} | R Documentation |
Sample Size Calculations for Multi-Sample Microarray Experiments with Differing Variances among Genes
Calculates appropriate sample sizes for multi-sample microarray experiments in which standard deviations vary among genes. Sample sizes are determined based on a desired power, a controlled false discovery rate, and user-specified proportions of non-differentially expressed genes and design matrix. A graph of power versus sample size is created.
ssize.Fvary(X, beta, L = NULL, dn, a, b, fdr = 0.05, power = 0.8, pi0 = 0.95, maxN = 20,
cex.title=1.15, cex.legend=1)
X |
design matrix of experiment |
beta |
parameter vector |
L |
coefficient matrix or vector for linear contrasts of interest |
dn |
a function of the degrees of freedom based on the design of the experiment |
a |
shape parameter of inverse gamma distribution followed by variances of genes |
b |
scale parameter of inverse gamma distribution followed by variances of genes |
fdr |
the false discovery rate to be controlled |
power |
the desired power to be achieved |
pi0 |
a vector (or scalar) of proportions of non-differentially expressed genes |
maxN |
the maximum sample size used for power calculations |
cex.title |
controls size of chart titles |
cex.legend |
controls size of chart legend |
The variances among genes are assumed to follow an Inverse Gamma
distribution with shape parameter a
and scale parameter
If a vector is input for pi0
, sample size calculations
are performed for each proportion.
ssize |
sample sizes (for each treatment) at which desired power is first reached |
power |
power calculations with corresponding sample sizes |
crit.vals |
critical value calculations with corresponding sample sizes |
Numerical integration used in calculations performed by the function
, which uses adaptive quadrature of functions.
Powers calculated to be 0 may be negligibly conservative.
Critical values calculated as ‘NA’ are values >100.
Megan Orr, Peng Liu
Liu, Peng and J. T. Gene Hwang. 2007. Quick calculation for sample size while controlling false discovery rate with application to microarray analysis. Bioinformatics 23(6): 739-746.
See Also
, ssize.twoSampVary
, ssize.oneSampVary
##Sample size calculation for three-treatment loop design microarray experiment
des<-matrix(c(1,-1,0,0,1,-1),ncol=2,byrow=FALSE) ##design matrix of loop design experiment
b<-c(1,-0.5) ##difference between first two treatments is 1 and
#second and third treatments is -0.5
df<-function(n){3*n-2} ##degrees of freedom for this design is 3n-2
alph<-3;beta<-1 ##variances among genes follow an Inverse Gamma(3,1)
a1<-0.05 ##fdr to be fixed
pwr<-0.8 ##desired power
p0<-c(0.9,0.95,0.995) ##proportions of non-differentially expressed genes
N1<-35 ##maximum sample size to be used in calculations
ftv$ssize ##first sample sizes to reach desired power
ftv$power ##calculated power for each sample size
ftv$crit.vals ##calculated critical value for each sample sizeft$ssize