Alcohol {ssifs}R Documentation

Stochastic Search Inconsistency Factor Selection of brief alcohol interventions.


Stochastic Search Inconsistency Factor Selection for the evaluation of the consistency assumption for the network meta-analysis model.

These data are used as an example in Seitidis et al. (2021).


A data frame with the following columns:

studyid study id
treat1 treatment 1
treat2 treatment 2
m1 mean value of brief alcohol intervention in arm 1
m2 mean value of brief alcohol intervention in arm 2
n1 number of individuals in arm 1
n2 number of individuals in arm 2
sd1 standard deviation of brief alcohol intervention in arm 1
sd2 standard deviation of brief alcohol intervention in arm 2
TE standardized mean difference of treat1 versus treat2
seTE standard error of standardized mean difference


Seitidis G, Nikolakopoulos S, Hennessy EA, Tanner-Smith EE, Mavridis D (2021): Network Meta-Analysis Techniques for Synthesizing Prevention Science Evidence Prevention Science, 1-10



TE <- Alcohol$TE
seTE <- Alcohol$seTE
studlab <- Alcohol$studyid
treat1 <- Alcohol$treat2
treat2 <- Alcohol$treat1

# Stochastic Search Inconsistency Factor Selection using as reference treatment AO-CT and the
# design-by-treatment method for the specification of the Z matrix.

m <- ssifs(TE, seTE, treat1, treat2, studlab, ref = "AO-CT",
M = 1000, B = 100, M_pilot = 1000, B_pilot = 100)

[Package ssifs version 1.0.2 Index]