Single Sample Directional Gene Set Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘ssdGSA’ version 0.1.1

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avg_expression Function to Calculate the Average of Gene Expressions
check_genes_missing Function to Check if Genes in Gene Sets Have Missing Information in Data Matrix and Direction Matrix
check_genes_missing_noDir Function to Check if Genes in Gene Sets Have Missing Information in Data Matrix
check_genes_missing_total Function to Check if 100% of Genes in Gene Sets Have Missing Information in Data Matrix
check_gene_name_match Function to Check if Gene IDs in the Input Gene Data Match Well
check_gene_name_match_noDir Function to Check if Gene IDs in the Input Gene Data Match Well When Direction Matrix Is Missing
data_matrix This is data to be included in package
data_matrix_entrezID This is data to be included in package
direction_matrix This is data to be included in package
gene_sets This is data to be included in package
median_expression Function to Calculate Median of Gene Expressions
ssdGSA Single Sample Directional Gene Set Analysis (ssdGSA)
ssdGSA_individual Single Sample Directional Gene Set Analysis Using Individual Weighted Scores
ssGSA Function to Calculate Single Sample Gene Set Scores without Direction Matrix
transform_ensembl_2_entrez Function to Transform ENSEMBL ID to ENTREZ ID