facet_form {ss3sim}R Documentation

A helper function for building a ggplot facet. Used internally by the plotting functions.


A helper function for building a ggplot facet. Used internally by the plotting functions.


facet_form(horiz = NULL, horiz2 = NULL, vert = NULL, vert2 = NULL)


horiz, horiz2

A character string denoting which column to use as the first (horiz) and second (horiz2) level of faceting in the horizontal direction. E.g. "M" or "species". A value of NULL (default) indicates no faceting.

vert, vert2

A character string denoting which column to use as the first (vert) and second (vert2) level of faceting in the vertical direction. E.g. "M" or "species". A value of NULL (default) indicates no faceting.


A formula which can be used in facet_grid, or NULL if all arguments are NULL


Cole Monnahan

[Package ss3sim version 1.0.3 Index]