copy_ss3models {ss3sim}R Documentation

Copy the operating and estimation models and create a folder structure


Copy the operating and estimation models and create a folder structure


copy_ss3models(model_dir, scenarios, iterations = 1:100, type = c("om",



A directory containing the operating or estimation model. Each folder should be named according to a scenario ID. (See the vignette vignette("ss3sim-vignette") or get_caseargs for details on the scenario ID format.)


Which scenarios to copy to. Supply a vector of character elements.


A numeric vector of the iterations to copy to. The function will create the folders as needed.


Are you copying operating or estimation models? This affects whether the model folder gets named "om" or "em"


An invisible boolean for whether that iteration already existed. A set of nested folders starting with the scenario ID, then the iterations, then "om" or "em", and then the SS model files.


Sean Anderson, Kelli Johnson


# Locate the package data:
om_folder <- system.file("extdata", "models", "cod-om", package =

# Copy the operating model:
copy_ss3models(model_dir = om_folder, type = "om", iterations =
  1:3, scenarios = "D0-F0-testing")
# Now look at your working directory in your file system

# Copy the estimation model with two scenario IDs:
copy_ss3models(model_dir = om_folder, type = "em", iterations = 1:2,
  scenarios = c("D1-F0-testing", "D2-F0-testing"))
# (Note that all the scenario argument does here is affect the
# folder names.)

# Clean up:
unlink("D0-F0-testing", recursive = TRUE)
unlink("D1-F0-testing", recursive = TRUE)
unlink("D2-F0-testing", recursive = TRUE)

[Package ss3sim version 1.0.3 Index]