minML.LA.ridgeGLM {squeezy} | R Documentation |
-log(ML) of ridge penalised GLMs
Returns the Laplace approximation (LA) of the minus log marginal likelihood of ridge penalised generalised linear models. Note: currently only implemented for linear and logistic regression.
minML.LA.ridgeGLM(loglambdas, XXblocks, Y, sigmasq = 1,
Xunpen = NULL, intrcpt = TRUE, model, minlam = 0,
opt.sigma = FALSE)
loglambdas |
Logarithm of the ridge penalties as returned by ecpc or squeezy; Gx1 vector. |
XXblocks |
List of sample covariance matrices X_g %*% t(X_g) for groups g = 1,...,G. |
Y |
Response data; n-dimensional vector (n: number of samples) for linear and logistic outcomes. |
sigmasq |
(linear model only) Noise level (Y~N(X*beta,sd=sqrt(sigmasq))). |
Xunpen |
Unpenalised variables; nxp_1-dimensional matrix for p_1 unpenalised variables. |
intrcpt |
Should an intercept be included? Set to TRUE by default. |
model |
Type of model for the response; linear or logistic. |
minlam |
Minimum value of lambda that is added to exp(loglambdas); set to 0 as default. |
opt.sigma |
(linear model only) TRUE/FALSE if log(sigmasq) is given as first argument of loglambdas for optimisation purposes |
Laplace approximation of the minus log marginal likelihood for the ridge penalised GLM with model parameters 'loglambdas' and 'sigmasq' (for linear regression).
#Simulate toy data
X <- matrix(rnorm(n*p),n,p)
Y <- rnorm(n)
groupset <- list(1:(p/2),(p/2+1):p)
sigmahat <- 2
alpha <- 0.5
tauMR <- c(0.01,0.005)
XXblocks <- lapply(groupset, function(x)X[,x]%*%t(X[,x]))
#compute minus log marginal likelihood
minML.LA.ridgeGLM(loglambdas = log(sigmahat/tauMR),
XXblocks, Y, sigmasq = sigmahat,