ptf.vG2BW {spsh}R Documentation

Parameter Transfer Function for Weber et al.(2019) model.


Predicts (Weber et al. 2019) model parameters in the van Genuchten-Mualem variant 01110FM, from given van Genuchten-Mualem parameters for the constrained van Genuchten-Mualem model.





vector of 6 van Genuchten-Model parameters. The order is sensitive see for shypFun.01110

thrResidual water content (-), alway equal to zero
thsSaturated water content (-)
alf1Shape parameter (cm^-1)
n1Shape parameter (-)
KsHydraulic conductivity at 0 potential (cm/day)
tauShape parameter (-)


Pedotransfer function returns the van Genuchten - Mualem model shypFun.01110 parameters in the Brunswick-Model variant 01110FM, based on previously determined van Genuchten-Mualem parameters. The transfer function is based on an ordinary linear regression between the i-th 01110 and 01110FM. The paraemeters were based on model parameter estimation to a dataset of >400 samples with retention and conductivity measurements.


thsncSaturated water content of the non-capillary part.
thscSaturated water content of the capillary part.
alfShape parameter (cm^-1)
nShape parameter (-)
KscSaturated hydraulic conductivity of the capillary part [cm day-1]
tauShape parameter (-)
KsncSaturated hydraulic conductivity of the non-capillary part [cm day-1]
aslope of the non-capillary unsaturated conductivity [ - ]
h0anker point at which the water content is 0


The parameter transfer function was derived by weighted linear regression with weights in x and y, by regressing the estimated the Brunswick model parameters in the Genuchten Mualem variant (Weber et al. 2019) inferred from matching measured soil water retention and hydraulic conductivity data against the constrained van Genuchten model parameters. The regression of alf1 and Ks, and (n-1) was done in the log[10])-transformed space, and Kncs is a fixed value of 10^-1.72.


Efstathios Diamantopoulos ,

Tobias KD Weber ,

See Also



p      <- c(0.08, 0.42, 0.01, 1.5, 100, 0.5)
result <- ptf.vG2BW(p)

[Package spsh version 1.1.0 Index]