glicko_run {sport}R Documentation

Glicko rating algorithm


Glicko rating algorithm


  r = numeric(0),
  rd = numeric(0),
  init_r = 1500,
  init_rd = 350,
  lambda = numeric(0),
  share = numeric(0),
  weight = numeric(0),
  kappa = 0.5



data.frame which contains columns specified in formula, and optional columns defined by lambda, weight.


formula which specifies the model. RHS Allows only player rating parameter and it should be specified in following manner:

rank | id ~ player(name).

  • rank player position in event.

  • id event identifier in which pairwise comparison is assessed.

  • player(name) name of the contestant. In this case player(name) helps algorithm point name of the column where player names are stored.

Users can also specify formula in in different way:

rank | id ~ player(name|team). Which means that players are playing in teams, and results are observed for teams not for players. For more see vignette.


named vector of initial players ratings estimates. If not specified then r will be created automatically for parameters specified in formula with initial value init_r.


rd named vector of initial rating deviation estimates. If not specified then rd will be created automatically for parameters specified in formula with initial value init_rd.


initial values for r if not provided. Default (glicko = 1500, glicko2 = 1500, bbt = 25, dbl = 0)


initial values for rd if not provided. Default (glicko = 350, glicko2 = 350, bbt = 25/3, dbl = 1)


name of the column in data containing lambda values or one constant value (eg. lambda = colname or lambda = 0.5). Lambda impact prior variance, and uncertainty of the matchup result. The higher lambda, the higher prior variance and more uncertain result of the matchup. Higher lambda flattens chances of winning.


name of the column in data containing player share in team efforts. It's used to first calculate combined rating of the team and then redistribute ratings update back to players level. Warning - it should be used only if formula is specified with players nested within teams (player(player|team)).


name of the column in data containing weights values or one constant (eg. weight = colname or weight = 0.5). Weights increasing (weight > 1) or decreasing (weight < 1) update change. Higher weight increasing impact of event result on rating estimate.


controls rd shrinkage not to be greater than rd*(1 - kappa). kappa=1 means that rd will not be decreased.


A "rating" object is returned:


# the simplest example
data <- data.frame(
  id = c(1, 1, 1, 1),
  team = c("A", "A", "B", "B"),
  player = c("a", "b", "c", "d"),
  rank_team = c(1, 1, 2, 2),
  rank_player = c(3, 4, 1, 2)

# Example from Glickman
glicko <- glicko_run(
  data = data,
  formula = rank_player | id ~ player(player),
  r = setNames(c(1500.0, 1400.0, 1550.0, 1700.0), c("a", "b", "c", "d")),
  rd = setNames(c(200.0, 30.0, 100.0, 300.0), c("a", "b", "c", "d"))

# nested matchup
glicko <- glicko_run(
  data = data,
  formula = rank_team | id ~ player(player | team)

[Package sport version 0.2.1 Index]