ds_iat {splithalfr} | R Documentation |
Example Implicit Association Task (IAT) Data in JASMIN2 Format
The JASMIN2 IAT closely followed the original IAT procedure (Greenwald, McGhee, & Schwartz, 1998), except that target and attribute trials did not alternate. Upon a correct response, the next trial started. Upon an incorrect response, the current trial was repeated. The response to each trial was logged. This particular dataset is from a Ethnicity-Valence IAT, which was administered (and described in detail) in doi:10.1016/j.tate.2019.102887Abacioglu and colleagues (2019). This dataset was graciously provided by Fadie Hanna and Marjolein Zee.
An object of class data.frame
with 9696 rows and 11 columns.
Overview of columns:
participation_id Identifies participants
t1_left. If TRUE, the first combination block had target 1 on the left (and target 2 on the right)
a1_left. If TRUE, the first combination block had attribute 1 on the left (and attribute 2 on the right)
block_type. Type of block
block. Counts blocks, starting at zero
trial. Counts trials in blocks, starting at zero
attempt. Counts attempts (responses) in trials, starting at zero
cat. Category that stimulus belonged to
stim. Stimulus
response. Response; 1 = correct, 2 = incorrect, 3 = timeout (no response in 4000 ms), 4 = invalid key
rt. Response time in milliseconds. Note that some response times may exceed the timeout window due to clock errors on the computer that the IAT was administered
The variable block_type can have these values:
tar_discr: target discrimination
att_discr: attribute discrimination
tar1att1_1: target 1 with attitude 1, practice block
tar1att1_2: target 1 with attitude 1, test block
tar_rev: reverse target discrimination
tar1att2_1: target 1 with attitude 2, practice block
tar1att2_2: target 1 with attitude 2, test block