Longitudinal Regression Trees and Forests

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Documentation for package ‘splinetree’ version 0.2.0

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avSize Compute the average tree size in a forest
getNodeData Retrieve the subset of the data found at a given terminal node
nodePlot Plots the trajectories of each terminal node side by side.
plotImp Create a barplot of relative variable importance scores.
plotNode Plot the predicted trajectory for a single node
predictCoeffs Predict spline coefficients for a testset using a spline tree
predictCoeffsForest Predict spline coefficients for a testset using a splineforest.
predictY Predictions from a spline tree
predictYForest Predict responses for a testset using a splineforest.
projectedR2 Computes percent of variation in projected response explained by a splinetree.
projectedR2Forest Computes a level-based or shape-based evaluation metric for a splineforest.
pruneForest Prune each tree in forest using a given complexity parameter.
spaghettiPlot Create a faceted spaghetti plot of a splinetree model
splineForest Build a spline random forest.
splineTree Build a splinetree model.
splineTreePlot Creates a tree plot of a spline tree.
stPlot Plots a splinetree.
stPrint Print a spline tree in the style of print.rpart
terminalNodeSummary Prints a summary of a terminal node in a tree
treeSimilarity Returns a measure of how similar the two trees are.
treeSize Returns number of terminal nodes in a tree.
treeSummary Returns the tree frame.
varImpCoeff Random Forest Variable Importance based on spline coefficients
varImpY Random Forest Variable Importance based on Y
yR2 Computes percent of variation in response explained by spline tree.
yR2Forest Computes a level-based evaluation metric for a splineforest that was built WITH an intercept.