sbinaryGMM {spldv}R Documentation

Estimation of SAR for binary dependent models using GMM


Estimation of SAR model for binary dependent variables (either Probit or Logit), using one- or two-step GMM estimator. The type of model supported has the following structure:

y=Xβ+WXγ+λWy+ϵ=Zδ+λWy+ϵ y^*= X\beta + WX\gamma + \lambda W y^* + \epsilon = Z\delta + \lambda Wy^{*} + \epsilon

where y=1y = 1 if y>0y^*>0 and 0 otherwise; ϵN(0,1)\epsilon \sim N(0, 1) if link = "probit" or ϵL(0,π2/3)\epsilon \sim L(0, \pi^2/3) if link = "logit".


  listw = NULL,
  nins = 2,
  link = c("probit", "logit"),
  winitial = c("optimal", "identity"),
  s.matrix = c("robust", "iid"),
  type = c("onestep", "twostep"),
  gradient = TRUE,
  start = NULL,
  cons.opt = FALSE,
  approximation = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,
  print.init = FALSE,
  pw = 5,
  tol.solve = .Machine$double.eps,

## S3 method for class 'bingmm'
coef(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'bingmm'
  vce = c("robust", "efficient", "ml"),
  method = "bhhh",
  R = 1000,
  tol.solve = .Machine$double.eps,

## S3 method for class 'bingmm'
print(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...)

## S3 method for class 'bingmm'
  vce = c("robust", "efficient", "ml"),
  method = "bhhh",
  R = 1000,
  tol.solve = .Machine$double.eps,

## S3 method for class 'summary.bingmm'
print(x, digits = max(5, getOption("digits") - 3), ...)



a symbolic description of the model of the form y ~ x | wx where y is the binary dependent variable, x are the independent variables. The variables after | are those variables that enter spatially lagged: WXWX. The variables in the second part of formula must also appear in the first part. This rules out situations in which one of the regressors can be specified only in lagged form.


the data of class data.frame.


object. An object of class listw, matrix, or Matrix.


numerical. Order of instrumental-variable approximation; as default nins = 2, such that H=(Z,WZ,W2Z)H = (Z, WZ, W^2Z) are used as instruments.


string. The assumption of the distribution of the error term; it can be either link = "probit" (the default) or link = "logit".


string. A string indicating the initial moment-weighting matrix Ψ\Psi; it can be either winitial = "optimal" (the default) or winitial = "identity".


string. Only valid of type = "twostep" is used. This is a string indicating the type of variance-covariance matrix S^\hat{S} to be used in the second-step procedure; it can be s.matrix = "robust" (the default) or s.matrix = "iid".


string. A string indicating whether the one-step (type = "onestep"), or two-step GMM (type = "twostep") should be computed.


logical. Only for testing procedures. Should the analytic gradient be used in the GMM optimization procedure? TRUE as default. If FALSE, then the numerical gradient is used.


if not NULL, the user must provide a vector of initial parameters for the optimization procedure. When start = NULL, sbinaryGMM uses the traditional Probit or Logit estimates as initial values for the parameters, and the correlation between yy and WyWy as initial value for λ\lambda.


logical. Should a constrained optimization procedure for λ\lambda be used? FALSE as default.


logical. If TRUE then (IλW)1(I - \lambda W)^{-1} is approximated as I+λW+λ2W2+λ3W3+...+λqWqI + \lambda W + \lambda^2 W^2 + \lambda^3 W^3 + ... +\lambda^q W^q. The default is FALSE.


logical. If TRUE, the code reports messages and some values during optimization.


logical. If TRUE the initial parameters used in the optimization of the first step are printed.


numeric. The power used for the approximation I+λW+λ2W2+λ3W3+...+λqWqI + \lambda W + \lambda^2 W^2 + \lambda^3 W^3 + ... +\lambda^q W^q. The default is 5.


Tolerance for solve().


additional arguments passed to maxLik.


string. A string indicating what kind of standard errors should be computed when using summary. For the one-step GMM estimator, the options are "robust" and "ml". For the two-step GMM estimator, the options are "robust", "efficient" and "ml". The option "vce = ml" is an exploratory method that evaluates the VC of the RIS estimator using the GMM estimates.


string. Only valid if vce = "ml". It indicates the algorithm used to compute the Hessian matrix of the RIS estimator. The defult is "bhhh".


numeric. Only valid if vce = "ml". It indicates the number of draws used to compute the simulated probability in the RIS estimator.

x, object

an object of class bingmm


the number of digits


The data generating process is:

y=Xβ+WXγ+λWy+ϵ=Zδ+λWy+ϵ y^*= X\beta + WX\gamma + \lambda W y^* + \epsilon = Z\delta + \lambda Wy^{*} + \epsilon

where y=1y = 1 if y>0y^*>0 and 0 otherwise; ϵN(0,1)\epsilon \sim N(0, 1) if link = "probit" or ϵL(0,π2/3)\epsilon \sim L(0, \pi^2/3) if link = "logit".. The general GMM estimator minimizes

J(θ)=g(θ)Ψ^g(θ) J(\theta) = g'(\theta)\hat{\Psi} g(\theta)

where θ=(β,γ,λ)\theta = (\beta, \gamma, \lambda) and

g=n1Hv g = n^{-1}H'v

where vv is the generalized residuals. Let Z=(X,WX)Z = (X, WX), then the instrument matrix HH contains the linearly independent columns of H=(Z,WZ,...,WqZ)H = (Z, WZ, ..., W^qZ). The one-step GMM estimator minimizes J(θ)J(\theta) setting either Ψ^=Ip\hat{\Psi} = I_p if winitial = "identity" or Ψ^=(HH/n)1\hat{\Psi} = (H'H/n)^{-1} if winitial = "optimal". The two-step GMM estimator uses an additional step to achieve higher efficiency by computing the variance-covariance matrix of the moments S^\hat{S} to weight the sample moments. This matrix is computed using the residuals or generalized residuals from the first-step, which are consistent. This matrix is computed as S^=n1i=1nhi(f2/(F(1F)))hi\hat{S} = n^{-1}\sum_{i = 1}^n h_i(f^2/(F(1 - F)))h_i' if s.matrix = "robust" or S^=n1i=1nv^ihihi\hat{S} = n^{-1}\sum_{i = 1}^n \hat{v}_ih_ih_i', where v^\hat{v} are the first-step generalized residuals.


An object of class “bingmm”, a list with elements:


the estimated coefficients,


the matched call,


the full matched call,


the X matrix, which contains also WX if the second part of the formula is used,


the H matrix of instruments used,


the dependent variable,


the spatial weight matrix,


the string indicating the distribution of the error term,


the moment-weighting matrix used in the last round,


type of model that was fitted,


the type of S matrix used in the second round,


the moment-weighting matrix used for the first step procedure


object of class maxLik,


a logical value indicating whether approximation was used to compute the inverse matrix,


the powers for the approximation,


the formula.


Mauricio Sarrias and Gianfranco Piras.


Pinkse, J., & Slade, M. E. (1998). Contracting in space: An application of spatial statistics to discrete-choice models. Journal of Econometrics, 85(1), 125-154.

Fleming, M. M. (2004). Techniques for estimating spatially dependent discrete choice models. In Advances in spatial econometrics (pp. 145-168). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Klier, T., & McMillen, D. P. (2008). Clustering of auto supplier plants in the United States: generalized method of moments spatial logit for large samples. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 26(4), 460-471.

LeSage, J. P., Kelley Pace, R., Lam, N., Campanella, R., & Liu, X. (2011). New Orleans business recovery in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), 174(4), 1007-1027.

Piras, G., & Sarrias, M. (2023). One or Two-Step? Evaluating GMM Efficiency for Spatial Binary Probit Models. Journal of choice modelling, 48, 100432.

Piras, G,. & Sarrias, M. (2023). GMM Estimators for Binary Spatial Models in R. Journal of Statistical Software, 107(8), 1-33.

See Also

sbinaryLGMM, impacts.bingmm.


# Data set
data(oldcol, package = "spdep")

# Create dependent (dummy) variable
COL.OLD$CRIMED <- as.numeric(COL.OLD$CRIME > 35)

# Two-step (Probit) GMM estimator
ts <- sbinaryGMM(CRIMED ~ INC + HOVAL,
                link = "probit", 
                listw = spdep::nb2listw(COL.nb, style = "W"), 
                data = COL.OLD, 
                type = "twostep",
                verbose = TRUE)
# Robust standard errors
# Efficient standard errors
summary(ts, vce = "efficient")

# One-step (Probit) GMM estimator 
os <- sbinaryGMM(CRIMED ~ INC + HOVAL,
                link = "probit", 
                listw = spdep::nb2listw(COL.nb, style = "W"), 
                data = COL.OLD, 
                type = "onestep",
                verbose = TRUE)

# One-step (Logit) GMM estimator with identity matrix as initial weight matrix
os_l <- sbinaryGMM(CRIMED ~ INC + HOVAL,
                  link = "logit", 
                  listw = spdep::nb2listw(COL.nb, style = "W"), 
                  data = COL.OLD, 
                  type = "onestep",
                  winitial = "identity", 
                  verbose = TRUE)

# Two-step (Probit) GMM estimator with WX
ts_wx <- sbinaryGMM(CRIMED ~ INC + HOVAL| INC + HOVAL,
                   link = "probit", 
                   listw = spdep::nb2listw(COL.nb, style = "W"), 
                   data = COL.OLD, 
                   type = "twostep",
                   verbose = FALSE)

# Constrained two-step (Probit) GMM estimator 
ts_c <- sbinaryGMM(CRIMED ~ INC + HOVAL,
                  link = "probit", 
                  listw = spdep::nb2listw(COL.nb, style = "W"), 
                  data = COL.OLD, 
                  type = "twostep",
                  verbose = TRUE, 
                  cons.opt = TRUE)

[Package spldv version 0.1.3 Index]