add_hr {spiro}R Documentation

Import and add heart rate data to cardiopulmonary exercise testing data


add_hr() imports an external file containing heart rate data and adds it to an existing gas exchange data file.


add_hr(data, hr_file, hr_offset = 0)



A data.frame of the class spiro containing the gas exchange data. Usually the output of a spiro call.


The absolute or relative path of a *tcx file that contains additional heart rate data.


An integer, corresponding to the temporal offset of the heart-rate file. By default the start of the heart rate measurement is linked to the start of the gas exchange measurement. A positive value means, that the heart rate measurement started after the begin of the gas exchange measurements; a negative value means it started before.


Heart rate data will be imported from a .tcx file. After interpolating the data to full seconds, it is then matched to the imported gas exchange data.


A data.frame of the class spiro containing the cardiopulmonary exercise testing data including heart rate data.


# Get example data
oxy_file <- spiro_example("zan_ramp")
hr_file <- spiro_example("hr_ramp.tcx")

# Import and process spiro data
oxy_data <- spiro(oxy_file)

# Add heart rate data
out <- add_hr(oxy_data, hr_file)

[Package spiro version 0.2.1 Index]