Manual Tours, Manual Control of Dynamic Projections of Numeric Multivariate Data

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Documentation for package ‘spinifex’ version

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spinifex-package spinifex
.bind_elements2df Binds replicated elements of a list as columns of a data frame.
.init4proto Initialize common obj from .global 'ggtour()' objects & test their existence
.lapply_rep_len Replicate all vector elements of a list
animate_gganimate Animate a ggtour as a .gif via '{gganimate}'
animate_plotly Animate a ggtour as and HTML widget via '{plotly}'
append_fixed_y Append a fixed vertical height
array2df Turns a tour path array into a long data frame.
basis_guided Solve for the last basis of a guided tour.
basis_half_circle Create a basis that gives uniform contribution in a circle
basis_odp The basis of Orthogonal Discriminant Projection (ODP)
basis_olda The basis of Orthogonal Linear Discriminant Analysis (OLDA)
basis_onpp The basis of Orthogonal Neighborhood Preserving Projection (OLPP)
basis_pca The basis of Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
BreastCancer_na.rm Wisconsin Breast Cancer Database
create_manip_space Create a manipulation space to rotate the manipulation variable in.
devMessage Development message
draw_basis Draw a basis on a static ggplot
facet_wrap_tour Wrap a 1d ribbon of panels into 2d for animation
filmstrip Create a "filmstrip" of the frames of a ggtour.
ggtour Prepare a new grammar of graphics tour
interpolate_manual_tour Interpolates a manual tour
is_any_layer_class Check ggplot layers for use of a specific geom
is_orthonormal Orthonormality of a matrix
manip_var_of Suggest a manipulation variable.
manual_tour Produce the series of projection bases to rotate a variable into and out of a projection.
map_absolute Manually offset and scale the first 2 columns of a matrix or data.frame.
map_relative Returns the axis scale and position.
penguins_na.rm Size measurements for adult foraging penguins near Palmer Station, Antarctica
PimaIndiansDiabetes_long Pima Indians Diabetes Dataset, long
PimaIndiansDiabetes_wide Pima Indians Diabetes Dataset, wide
play_manual_tour Animate a manual tour. superseded
play_tour_path Animates the provided tour path.
proto_basis Tour proto for a 2D and 1D basis axes respectively
proto_basis1d Tour proto for a 2D and 1D basis axes respectively
proto_def Wrapper function for default 2D/1D tours respectively.
proto_def1d Wrapper function for default 2D/1D tours respectively.
proto_def2d Wrapper function for default 2D/1D tours respectively.
proto_default Wrapper function for default 2D/1D tours respectively.
proto_default1d Wrapper function for default 2D/1D tours respectively.
proto_default2d Wrapper function for default 2D/1D tours respectively.
proto_density Tour proto for data, 1D density, with rug marks
proto_density1d Tour proto for data, 1D density, with rug marks
proto_density2d Tour proto for data, 1D density, with rug marks
proto_frame_cor2 Tour proto for frames square correlation
proto_hex Tour proto for data, hexagonal heatmap
proto_highlight Tour proto highlighing specified points
proto_highlight1d Tour proto highlighing specified points
proto_highlight_2d Tour proto highlighing specified points
proto_hline Tour proto adding a vertical/horizontal line
proto_hline0 Tour proto adding a vertical/horizontal line
proto_origin Tour proto for data origin zero mark
proto_origin1d Tour proto for data origin zero mark
proto_origin2d Tour proto for data origin zero mark
proto_point Tour proto for data point
proto_points Tour proto for data point
proto_text Tour proto for data, text labels
proto_vline Tour proto adding a vertical/horizontal line
proto_vline0 Tour proto adding a vertical/horizontal line
render_ Prepare the ggplot object before passing to either animation package.
render_gganimate Render the frames as a _gganimate_ animation.
render_plotly Animation the frames as a HTML widget.
rotate_manip_space Performs a rotation on the manipulation space of the given manip var.
run_app Runs a shiny app demonstrating manual tours
save_history Save a tour basis array.
scale_01 Preprocess numeric variables
scale_colour_discrete Set default color & fill for discrete variables
scale_fill_discrete Set default color & fill for discrete variables
scale_sd Preprocess numeric variables
spinifex spinifex
theme_spinifex Theme spinifex
view_frame Plot a single frame of a manual tour.
view_manip_space Plot 2D projection frame and return the axes table.
weather Sample dataset of daily weather observations from Canberra airport in Australia.
weather_na.rm Sample dataset of daily weather observations from Canberra airport in Australia.
wine The wine dataset from the UCI Machine Learning Repository.