unif_stat_MC {sphunif}R Documentation

Monte Carlo simulation of circular and (hyper)spherical uniformity statistics


Utility for performing Monte Carlo simulation of several statistics for assessing uniformity on the (hyper)sphere S^{p-1}:=\{{\bf x}\in R^p:||{\bf x}||=1\}, p\ge 2.

unif_stat_MC provides a convenient wrapper for parallel evaluation of unif_stat, the estimation of critical values under the null distribution, and the computation of empirical powers under the alternative.


unif_stat_MC(n, type = "all", p, M = 10000, r_H1 = NULL,
  crit_val = NULL, alpha = c(0.1, 0.05, 0.01), return_stats = TRUE,
  stats_sorted = FALSE, chunks = ceiling((n * M)/1e+05), cores = 1,
  seeds = NULL, CCF09_dirs = NULL, CJ12_reg = 3, cov_a = 2 * pi,
  Cressie_t = 1/3, K_CCF09 = 25, Poisson_rho = 0.5, Pycke_q = 0.5,
  Rayleigh_m = 1, Riesz_s = 1, Rothman_t = 1/3, Sobolev_vk2 = c(0, 0,
  1), Softmax_kappa = 1, Stereo_a = 0, ...)



sample size.


type of test to be applied. A character vector containing any of the following types of tests, depending on the dimension p:

If type = "all" (default), then type is set as avail_cir_tests or avail_sph_tests, depending on the value of p.


integer giving the dimension of the ambient space R^p that contains S^{p-1}.


number of Monte Carlo replications. Defaults to 1e4.


if provided, the computation of empirical powers is carried out for the alternative hypothesis sampled with r_H1. This must be a function with the same arguments and value as r_unif_sph (see examples). Defaults to NULL, indicating that the critical values are estimated from samples of r_unif_sph.


if provided, must be the critical values as returned by $stats_MC in a call to unif_stat_MC. They are used for computing the empirical powers of the tests present in type. Defaults to NULL, which means that no power computation is done.


vector with significance levels. Defaults to c(0.10, 0.05, 0.01).


return the Monte Carlo statistics? If only the critical values or powers are desired, FALSE saves memory in the returned object. Defaults to TRUE.


sort the returned Monte Carlo statistics? If TRUE, this is useful for evaluating faster the empirical cumulative distribution function when approximating the distribution in unif_stat_distr. Defaults to FALSE.


number of chunks to split the M Monte Carlo replications. Useful for parallelizing the simulation study in chunks tasks containing ceiling(M / chunks) replications. Useful also for avoiding memory bottlenecks when M is large. Defaults to
ceiling((n * M) / 1e5).


number of cores to perform the simulation. Defaults to 1.


if provided, a vector of size chunks for fixing the seeds on each of the simulation chunks (useful for reproducing parallel simulations). Specifically, for k in 1:chunks, seeds are set as set.seed(seeds[k], kind = "Mersenne-Twister") in each chunk. Defaults to NULL (no seed setting is done).


a matrix of size c(n_proj, p) containing n_proj random directions (in Cartesian coordinates) on S^{p-1} to perform the CCF09 test. If NULL (default), a sample of size n_proj = 50 directions is computed internally.


type of asymptotic regime for CJ12 test, either 1 (sub-exponential regime), 2 (exponential), or 3 (super-exponential; default).


a_n = a / n parameter used in the length of the arcs of the coverage-based tests. Must be positive. Defaults to 2 * pi.


t parameter for the Cressie test, a real in (0, 1). Defaults to 1 / 3.


integer giving the truncation of the series present in the asymptotic distribution of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic. Defaults to 25.


\rho parameter for the Poisson test, a real in [0, 1). Defaults to 0.5.


q parameter for the Pycke "q-test", a real in (0, 1). Defaults to 1 / 2.


integer m for the m-modal Rayleigh test. Defaults to m = 1 (the standard Rayleigh test).


s parameter for the s-Riesz test, a real in (0, 2). Defaults to 1.


t parameter for the Rothman test, a real in (0, 1). Defaults to 1 / 3.


weights for the finite Sobolev test. A non-negative vector or matrix. Defaults to c(0, 0, 1).


\kappa parameter for the Softmax test, a non-negative real. Defaults to 1.


a parameter for the Stereo test, a real in [-1, 1]. Defaults to 0.


optional arguments to be passed to the r_H1 sampler or to foreach (for example, .export to export global variables or other functions to the foreach environment).


It is possible to have a progress bar if unif_stat_MC is wrapped with progressr::with_progress or if progressr::handlers(global = TRUE) is invoked (once) by the user. See the examples below. The progress bar is updated with the number of finished chunks.

All the tests reject for large values of the test statistic (max_gap = TRUE is assumed for the Range test), so the critical values for the significance levels alpha correspond to the alpha-upper quantiles of the null distribution of the test statistic.

The Monte Carlo simulation for the CCF09 test is made conditionally on the choice of CCF09_dirs. That is, all the Monte Carlo statistics share the same random directions.

Except for CCF09_dirs, K_CCF09, and CJ12_reg, all the test-specific parameters are vectorized.


A list with the following entries:


## Critical values

# Single statistic, specific alpha
cir <- unif_stat_MC(n = 10, M = 1e2, type = "Ajne", p = 2, alpha = 0.15)

# All circular statistics
cir <- unif_stat_MC(n = 10, M = 1e2, p = 2)

# All spherical statistics
sph <- unif_stat_MC(n = 10, M = 1e2, p = 3)

## Using a progress bar

# Define a progress bar
  format = paste("(:spin) [:bar] :percent Iter: :current/:total Rate:",
                 ":tick_rate iter/sec ETA: :eta Elapsed: :elapsedfull"),
  clear = FALSE))

# Call unif_stat_MC() within with_progress()
with_progress(unif_stat_MC(n = 10, M = 1e2, p = 3, chunks = 10))

# With several cores
with_progress(unif_stat_MC(n = 10, M = 1e2, p = 3, chunks = 10, cores = 2))

# Instead of using with_progress() each time, it is more practical to run
# handlers(global = TRUE)
# once to activate progress bars in your R session

## Power computation

# Single statistic
cir_pow <- unif_stat_MC(n = 10, M = 1e2, type = "Ajne", p = 2,
                        crit_val = cir$crit_val_MC)

# All circular statistics
cir_pow <- unif_stat_MC(n = 10, M = 1e2, p = 2, crit_val = cir$crit_val_MC)

# All spherical statistics
sph_pow <- unif_stat_MC(n = 10, M = 1e2, p = 3, crit_val = sph$crit_val_MC)

## Custom r_H1

# Circular
r_H1 <- function(n, p, M, l = 0.05) {

  stopifnot(p == 2)
  Theta_to_X(matrix(runif(n * M, 0, (2 - l) * pi), n, M))

dirs <- r_unif_sph(n = 5, p = 2, M = 1)[, , 1]
cir <- unif_stat_MC(n = 50, M = 1e2, p = 2, CCF09_dirs = dirs)
cir_pow <- unif_stat_MC(n = 50, M = 1e2, p = 2, r_H1 = r_H1, l = 0.10,
                        crit_val = cir$crit_val_MC, CCF09_dirs = dirs)

# Spherical
r_H1 <- function(n, p, M, l = 0.5) {

  samp <- array(dim = c(n, p, M))
  for (j in 1:M) {

    samp[, , j] <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n = n, mean = c(l, rep(0, p - 1)),
                                    sigma = diag(rep(1, p)))
    samp[, , j] <- samp[, , j] / sqrt(rowSums(samp[, , j]^2))


dirs <- r_unif_sph(n = 5, p = 3, M = 1)[, , 1]
sph <- unif_stat_MC(n = 50, M = 1e2, p = 3, CCF09_dirs = dirs)
sph_pow <- unif_stat_MC(n = 50, M = 1e2, p = 3, r_H1 = r_H1, l = 0.5,
                       crit_val = sph$crit_val_MC, CCF09_dirs = dirs)

## Pre-built r_H1

# Circular
dirs <- r_unif_sph(n = 5, p = 2, M = 1)[, , 1]
cir_pow <- unif_stat_MC(n = 50, M = 1e2, p = 2, r_H1 = r_alt, alt = "vMF",
                        kappa = 1, crit_val = cir$crit_val_MC,
                        CCF09_dirs = dirs)

# Spherical
dirs <- r_unif_sph(n = 5, p = 3, M = 1)[, , 1]
sph_pow <- unif_stat_MC(n = 50, M = 1e2, p = 3, r_H1 = r_alt, alt = "vMF",
                        kappa = 1, crit_val = sph$crit_val_MC,
                        CCF09_dirs = dirs)

[Package sphunif version 1.4.0 Index]