Sobolev {sphunif}R Documentation

Asymptotic distributions of Sobolev statistics of spherical uniformity


Approximated density, distribution, and quantile functions for the asymptotic null distributions of Sobolev statistics of uniformity on Sp1:={xRp:x=1}S^{p-1}:=\{{\bf x}\in R^p:||{\bf x}||=1\}. These asymptotic distributions are infinite weighted sums of (central) chi squared random variables:

k=1vk2χdp,k2,\sum_{k = 1}^\infty v_k^2 \chi^2_{d_{p, k}},


dp,k:=(p+k3p2)+(p+k2p2)d_{p, k} := {{p + k - 3}\choose{p - 2}} + {{p + k - 2}\choose{p - 2}}

is the dimension of the space of eigenfunctions of the Laplacian on Sp1S^{p-1}, p2p\ge 2, associated to the kk-th eigenvalue, k1k\ge 1.


d_p_k(p, k, log = FALSE)

weights_dfs_Sobolev(p, K_max = 1000, thre = 0.001, type, Rothman_t = 1/3,
  Pycke_q = 0.5, Riesz_s = 1, Poisson_rho = 0.5, Softmax_kappa = 1,
  Stereo_a = 0, Sobolev_vk2 = c(0, 0, 1), log = FALSE, verbose = TRUE,
  Gauss = TRUE, N = 320, tol = 1e-06, force_positive = TRUE,
  x_tail = NULL)

d_Sobolev(x, p, type, method = c("I", "SW", "HBE")[1], K_max = 1000,
  thre = 0.001, Rothman_t = 1/3, Pycke_q = 0.5, Riesz_s = 1,
  Poisson_rho = 0.5, Softmax_kappa = 1, Stereo_a = 0,
  Sobolev_vk2 = c(0, 0, 1), ncps = 0, verbose = TRUE, N = 320,
  x_tail = NULL, ...)

p_Sobolev(x, p, type, method = c("I", "SW", "HBE", "MC")[1], K_max = 1000,
  thre = 0.001, Rothman_t = 1/3, Pycke_q = 0.5, Riesz_s = 1,
  Poisson_rho = 0.5, Softmax_kappa = 1, Stereo_a = 0,
  Sobolev_vk2 = c(0, 0, 1), ncps = 0, verbose = TRUE, N = 320,
  x_tail = NULL, ...)

q_Sobolev(u, p, type, method = c("I", "SW", "HBE", "MC")[1], K_max = 1000,
  thre = 0.001, Rothman_t = 1/3, Pycke_q = 0.5, Riesz_s = 1,
  Poisson_rho = 0.5, Softmax_kappa = 1, Stereo_a = 0,
  Sobolev_vk2 = c(0, 0, 1), ncps = 0, verbose = TRUE, N = 320,
  x_tail = NULL, ...)



integer giving the dimension of the ambient space RpR^p that contains Sp1S^{p-1}.


sequence of integer indexes.


compute the logarithm of dp,kd_{p,k}? Defaults to FALSE.


integer giving the truncation of the series that compute the asymptotic p-value of a Sobolev test. Defaults to 1e3.


error threshold for the tail probability given by the the first terms of the truncated series of a Sobolev test. Defaults to 1e-3.


name of the Sobolev statistic, using the naming from avail_cir_tests and avail_sph_tests.


tt parameter for the Rothman test, a real in (0,1)(0, 1). Defaults to 1 / 3.


qq parameter for the Pycke "qq-test", a real in (0,1)(0, 1). Defaults to 1 / 2.


ss parameter for the ss-Riesz test, a real in (0,2)(0, 2). Defaults to 1.


ρ\rho parameter for the Poisson test, a real in [0,1)[0, 1). Defaults to 0.5.


κ\kappa parameter for the Softmax test, a non-negative real. Defaults to 1.


aa parameter for the Stereo test, a real in [1,1][-1, 1]. Defaults to 0.


weights for the finite Sobolev test. A non-negative vector or matrix. Defaults to c(0, 0, 1).


output information about the truncation? Defaults to TRUE.


use a Gauss–Legendre quadrature rule of N nodes in the computation of the Gegenbauer coefficients? Otherwise, call integrate. Defaults to TRUE.


number of points used in the Gauss–Legendre quadrature for computing the Gegenbauer coefficients. Defaults to 320.


tolerance passed to integrate's rel.tol and abs.tol if Gauss = FALSE. Defaults to 1e-6.


set negative weights to zero? Defaults to TRUE.


scalar evaluation point for determining the upper tail probability. If NULL, set to the 0.90 quantile of the whole series, computed by the "HBE" approximation.


vector of quantiles.


method for approximating the density, distribution, or quantile function of the weighted sum of chi squared random variables. Must be "I" (Imhof), "SW" (Satterthwaite–Welch), "HBE" (Hall–Buckley–Eagleson), or "MC" (Monte Carlo; only for distribution or quantile functions). Defaults to "I".


non-centrality parameters. Either 0 (default) or a vector with the same length as weights.


further parameters passed to *_wschisq.


vector of probabilities.


The truncation of k=1vk2χdp,k2\sum_{k = 1}^\infty v_k^2 \chi^2_{d_{p, k}} is done to the first K_max terms and then up to the index such that the first terms explain the tail probability at the x_tail with an absolute error smaller than thre (see details in cutoff_wschisq). This automatic truncation takes place when calling *_Sobolev. Setting thre = 0 truncates to K_max terms exactly. If the series only contains odd or even non-zero terms, then only K_max / 2 addends are effectively taken into account in the first truncation.



Eduardo García-Portugués and Paula Navarro-Esteban.


# Circular-specific statistics
curve(p_Sobolev(x = x, p = 2, type = "Watson", method = "HBE"),
      n = 2e2, ylab = "Distribution", main = "Watson")
curve(p_Sobolev(x = x, p = 2, type = "Rothman", method = "HBE"),
      n = 2e2, ylab = "Distribution", main = "Rothman")
curve(p_Sobolev(x = x, p = 2, type = "Pycke_q", method = "HBE"), to = 10,
      n = 2e2, ylab = "Distribution", main = "Pycke_q")
curve(p_Sobolev(x = x, p = 2, type = "Hermans_Rasson", method = "HBE"),
      to = 10, n = 2e2, ylab = "Distribution", main = "Hermans_Rasson")

# Statistics for arbitrary dimensions
test_statistic <- function(type, to = 1, pmax = 5, M = 1e3, ...) {

  col <- viridisLite::viridis(pmax - 1)
  curve(p_Sobolev(x = x, p = 2, type = type, method = "MC", M = M,
                  ...), to = to, n = 2e2, col = col[pmax - 1],
                  ylab = "Distribution", main = type, ylim = c(0, 1))
  for (p in 3:pmax) {
    curve(p_Sobolev(x = x, p = p, type = type, method = "MC", M = M,
                    ...), add = TRUE, n = 2e2, col = col[pmax - p + 1])
  legend("bottomright", legend = paste("p =", 2:pmax), col = rev(col),
         lwd = 2)


# Ajne
test_statistic(type = "Ajne")

# Gine_Gn
test_statistic(type = "Gine_Gn", to = 1.5)

# Gine_Fn
test_statistic(type = "Gine_Fn", to = 2)

# Bakshaev
test_statistic(type = "Bakshaev", to = 3)

# Riesz
test_statistic(type = "Riesz", Riesz_s = 0.5, to = 3)

# PCvM
test_statistic(type = "PCvM", to = 0.6)

test_statistic(type = "PAD", to = 3)

# PRt
test_statistic(type = "PRt", Rothman_t = 0.5)

# Quantiles
p <- c(2, 3, 4, 11)
t(sapply(p, function(p) q_Sobolev(u = c(0.10, 0.05, 0.01), p = p,
                                  type = "PCvM")))
t(sapply(p, function(p) q_Sobolev(u = c(0.10, 0.05, 0.01), p = p,
                                  type = "PAD")))
t(sapply(p, function(p) q_Sobolev(u = c(0.10, 0.05, 0.01), p = p,
                                  type = "PRt")))

# Series truncation for thre = 1e-5
sapply(p, function(p) length(weights_dfs_Sobolev(p = p, type = "PCvM")$dfs))
sapply(p, function(p) length(weights_dfs_Sobolev(p = p, type = "PRt")$dfs))
sapply(p, function(p) length(weights_dfs_Sobolev(p = p, type = "PAD")$dfs))

[Package sphunif version 1.4.0 Index]