spgs-package |
Statistical Patterns in Genomic Sequences |
ag.test |
Test of Purine-Pyrimidine Parity Based on Purine Count |
agct.test |
Test of Purine-Pyrimidine Parity Based on Euclidean distance |
array2vector |
Convert Arrays and Tables to Vectors with Named Elements |
chargaff.gibbs.test |
Test of CSPR for Dinucleotides Under Gibbs Distribution |
chargaff0.test |
Vector Test of Chargaff's Second Parity Rule (CSPR) for Mononucleotides |
chargaff1.test |
Matrix Test of CSPR for Mononucleotides |
chargaff2.test |
Matrix Test of CSPR for Dinucleotides |
chisq.unif.test |
Test of Uniformity Based on Pearsons's Chi-Squared test |
complement |
Complement of a DNA/RNA Sequence |
complement.default |
Complement of a DNA/RNA Sequence |
complement.list |
Complement of a DNA/RNA Sequence |
complement.SeqFastadna |
Complement of a DNA/RNA Sequence |
cylinder.counts |
Count Cylinders (Fixed-Offset Patterns) in Character Vectors |
diffsign.test |
the Differents-Sign Test of Statistical Independence |
diid.disturbance |
Construct feasible Random Noise Generating a Bernoulli Process |
diid.test |
A Test for a Bernoulli Scheme (IID Sequence) |
disambiguate |
Disambiguate a Nucleic Sequence |
disambiguate.default |
Disambiguate a Nucleic Sequence |
disambiguate.list |
Disambiguate a Nucleic Sequence |
disambiguate.SeqFastadna |
Disambiguate a Nucleic Sequence |
estimateMarkovChain |
Fit a first-Order Markov Chain to a Sequence of Finite Symbols |
ks.unif.test |
Using 'ks.test' to test for Uniformity on the Unit Interval |
lb.test |
The Ljung-Box Test for Uncorrelated Data |
markov.disturbance |
Construct feasible Random Noise Generating a First-Order Markov Chain |
markov.test |
A Test for First-Order Markovianness |
nanoarchaeum |
DNA sequence for the Nanoarchaeum equitans Kin4-M Chromosome |
oligoCorr |
Oligo Profiles and Oligo Profile Correlation Plots of Nucleotide Sequences |
oligoProfile |
Oligo Profiles and Oligo Profile Correlation Plots of Nucleotide Sequences |
pair.counts |
Count Pairs in Character Vectors |
pieris |
DNA sequence for the Pieris Rapae Granulovirus Genome |
plot.OligoProfile |
Oligo Profiles and Oligo Profile Correlation Plots of Nucleotide Sequences |
print.OligoProfile |
Oligo Profiles and Oligo Profile Correlation Plots of Nucleotide Sequences |
quadruple.counts |
Count Quadruplets in Character Vectors |
rank.test |
The Rank Test of Statistical Independence |
rcspr2mat |
Random Stochastic Matrices Complying with Chargaff's Second Parity Rule for Dinucleotides |
reverseComplement |
Reverse Complement of a DNA/RNA Sequence |
reverseComplement.default |
Reverse Complement of a DNA/RNA Sequence |
reverseComplement.list |
Reverse Complement of a DNA/RNA Sequence |
reverseComplement.SeqFastadna |
Reverse Complement of a DNA/RNA Sequence |
rstochmat |
Random Generation of Stochastic Matrices |
rstochvec |
Random Generation of Stochastic (Probability) Vectors |
simulateMarkovChain |
Simulate a first-Order Markov Chain |
spgs |
Statistical Patterns in Genomic Sequences |
table2vector |
Convert Arrays and Tables to Vectors with Named Elements |
triple.counts |
Count Triplets in Character Vectors |
turningpoint.test |
The Turning Point Test of Statistical Independence |