partition_tiles {sperrorest}R Documentation

Partition the study area into rectangular tiles


partition_tiles divides the study area into a specified number of rectangular tiles. Optionally small partitions can be merged with adjacent tiles to achieve a minimum number or percentage of samples in each tile.


  coords = c("x", "y"),
  dsplit = NULL,
  nsplit = NULL,
  rotation = c("none", "random", "user"),
  offset = c("none", "random", "user"),
  reassign = TRUE,
  min_frac = 0.025,
  min_n = 5,
  iterate = 1,
  return_factor = FALSE,
  repetition = 1,
  seed1 = NULL



data.frame containing at least the columns specified by coords


vector of length 2 defining the variables in data that contain the x and y coordinates of sample locations


optional vector of length 2: equidistance of splits in (possibly rotated) x direction (dsplit[1]) and y direction (dsplit[2]) used to define tiles. If dsplit is of length 1, its value is recycled. Either dsplit or nsplit must be specified.


optional vector of length 2: number of splits in (possibly rotated) x direction (nsplit[1]) and y direction (nsplit[2]) used to define tiles. If nsplit is of length 1, its value is recycled.


indicates whether and how the rectangular grid should be rotated; random rotation is only between -45 and +45 degrees.


if rotation='user', angles (in degrees) by which the rectangular grid is to be rotated in each repetition. Either a vector of same length as repetition, or a single number that will be replicated length(repetition) times.


indicates whether and how the rectangular grid should be shifted by an offset.


if offset='user', a list (or vector) of two components specifying a shift of the rectangular grid in (possibly rotated) x and y direction. The offset values are relative values, a value of 0.5 resulting in a one-half tile shift towards the left, or upward. If this is a list, its first (second) component refers to the rotated x (y) direction, and both components must have same length as repetition (or length 1). If a vector of length 2 (or list components have length 1), the two values will be interpreted as relative shifts in (rotated) x and y direction, respectively, and will therefore be recycled as needed (length(repetition) times each).


logical (default TRUE): if TRUE, 'small' tiles (as per min_frac and min_n arguments and get_small_tiles) are merged with (smallest) adjacent tiles. If FALSE, small tiles are 'eliminated', i.e. set to NA.


numeric >=0, <1: minimum relative size of partition as percentage of sample; argument passed to get_small_tiles. Will be ignored if NULL.


integer >=0: minimum number of samples per partition; argument passed to get_small_tiles. Will be ignored if NULL.


argument to be passed to tile_neighbors


if FALSE (default), return a represampling object; if TRUE (used internally by other sperrorest functions), return a list containing factor vectors (see Value)


numeric vector: cross-validation repetitions to be generated. Note that this is not the number of repetitions, but the indices of these repetitions. E.g., use repetition = c(1:100) to obtain (the 'first') 100 repetitions, and repetition = c(101:200) to obtain a different set of 100 repetitions.


seed1+i is the random seed that will be used by set.seed in repetition i (i in repetition) to initialize the random number generator before sampling from the data set.


A represampling object. Contains length(repetition) resampling objects as repetitions. The exact number of folds / test-set tiles within each resampling objects depends on the spatial configuration of the data set and possible cleaning steps (see min_frac, min_n).


Default parameter settings may change in future releases. This function, especially the rotation and shifting part of it and the algorithm for cleaning up small tiles is still a bit experimental. Use with caution. For non-zero offsets (⁠offset!='none')⁠), the number of tiles may actually be greater than nsplit[1]*nsplit[2] because of fractional tiles lurking into the study region. reassign=TRUE with suitable thresholds is therefore recommended for non-zero (including random) offsets.

See Also

sperrorest, as.resampling.factor, get_small_tiles, tile_neighbors


parti <- partition_tiles(ecuador, nsplit = c(4, 3), reassign = FALSE)
# plot(parti,ecuador)
# tile A4 has only 55 samples
# same partitioning, but now merge tiles with less than 100 samples to
# adjacent tiles:
parti2 <- partition_tiles(ecuador,
  nsplit = c(4, 3), reassign = TRUE,
  min_n = 100
# plot(parti2,ecuador)
# tile B4 (in 'parti') was smaller than A3, therefore A4 was merged with B4,
# not with A3
# now with random rotation and offset, and tiles of 2000 m length:
parti3 <- partition_tiles(ecuador,
  dsplit = 2000, offset = "random",
  rotation = "random", reassign = TRUE, min_n = 100
# plot(parti3, ecuador)

[Package sperrorest version 3.0.5 Index]