.onAttach | Setting up multithread BLAS library |
.onDetach | Reset multithread BLAS to default |
amax | Local Maxima |
analyticFunction | Analytic function |
BP | Simple bandpass function |
deconvolve | Deconvolve Sampling Spectrum for Equidistant Sampling |
envelope | Calculates the envelope of a band limited signal |
filter.fft | Filter in the frequency domain |
filter.lomb | Filter and reconstruction of data analysed via spec.lomb |
gLmb | generalized Lomb-Scargle estimation function |
H | The Hilbert transformation |
interpolate.fft | interpolates data using the Fourier back transform |
lmb | Lomb-Scargle estimation function |
plot.fft | Plot 'fft'-objects |
plot.lomb | plot method for Lomb-Scargle periodograms |
print.fft | FFT-Plotting Function |
print.lomb | Lomb-Plotting Function |
spec.fft | 1D/2D/nD (multivariate) spectrum of the Fourier transform |
spec.lomb | Lomb-Scargle Periodigram |
summary.fft | Summarize FFT objects |
summary.lomb | Summarize Lomb objects |
waterfall | Estimate the local frequencies |
win.cos | Cosine window function |
win.hann | Hanning window function |
win.nutt | Nuttall window function |
win.tukey | Tukey window function |
Windowfunctions | Windowfunctions |