Storing, Manipulating and Analysis Spectroscopy and Associated Data

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Documentation for package ‘spectacles’ version 0.5-4

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A B C D E F I K L M N O P R S W misc

spectacles-package Storing, Manipulating and Analysis Spectroscopy and Associated Data in R

-- A --

aggregate_spectra Aggregates spectral and data information
aggregate_spectra-method Aggregates spectral and data information
apply_spectra Apply a function on the spectra of a Spectra* object Spectra* classes Spectra* classes Spectra* classes
australia Australia spectra library data set

-- B --

base_line Baseline correction using the baseline package#'
base_line-method Baseline correction using the baseline package#'
big.head Return the First or Last Part of an Object
big.tail Return the First or Last Part of an Object

-- C --

continuum_removal Continuum removal
cut Manipulating the wavelength range of a 'Spectra' object
cut-method Manipulating the wavelength range of a 'Spectra' object

-- D --

dim Retrieve dimensions of Spectra* objects
dim.Spectra Retrieve dimensions of Spectra* objects
dimensions Retrieve dimensions of Spectra* objects

-- E --

extraction-methods Extracting and replacing parts of Spectra* objects

-- F --

features Retrieves or sets the data slot of a SpectraDataFrame object.
features-method Retrieves or sets the data slot of a SpectraDataFrame object.
features-methods Retrieves or sets the data slot of a SpectraDataFrame object.
features<- Retrieves or sets the data slot of a SpectraDataFrame object.
features<--method Retrieves or sets the data slot of a SpectraDataFrame object.
fill_spectra Fill missing wavelengths of a Spectra* object with a given value
fill_spectra-method Fill missing wavelengths of a Spectra* object with a given value

-- I --

ids Retrieves or sets the ids of a 'Spectra*' object.
ids-method Retrieves or sets the ids of a 'Spectra*' object.
ids<- Retrieves or sets the ids of a 'Spectra*' object.
ids<--method Retrieves or sets the ids of a 'Spectra*' object.

-- K --

kenstone Kennard-Stone algorithm for optimal calibration set selection.
kenstone-method Kennard-Stone algorithm for optimal calibration set selection.

-- L --

length Retrieve dimensions of Spectra* objects
length.Spectra Retrieve dimensions of Spectra* objects
load_oz Load the australia dataset

-- M --

melt_spectra Melts the spectra data of a Spectra object and returns it as wide format.
melt_spectra-method Melts the spectra data of a Spectra object and returns it as wide format.
melt_spectra-methods Melts the spectra data of a Spectra object and returns it as wide format.
mutate Mutate a Spectra* object by transforming the spectra values, and/or adding new or replacing existing attributes.
mutate-method Mutate a Spectra* object by transforming the spectra values, and/or adding new or replacing existing attributes.
mutate.Spectra Mutate a Spectra* object by transforming the spectra values, and/or adding new or replacing existing attributes.

-- N --

names.SpectraDataFrame Spectra* classes
names<-.SpectraDataFrame Spectra* classes
ncol-method Retrieve dimensions of Spectra* objects
nrow-method Retrieve dimensions of Spectra* objects

-- O --

oz Australia spectra library data set

-- P --

plot Plots an object inheriting from the Spectra class
plot-method Plots an object inheriting from the Spectra class
plot-Spectra Plots an object inheriting from the Spectra class
plot.Spectra Plots an object inheriting from the Spectra class
plot_offset Offset plot of a collection of spectra
plot_offset-method Offset plot of a collection of spectra
plot_stack Stacked plot of a collection of spectra
plot_stack-method Stacked plot of a collection of spectra
plot_summary Summary plot of a collection of spectra
plot_summary-method Summary plot of a collection of spectra
postResampleSpectro Calculates performance indictors across resamples
print-method Spectra* classes
print.summary.Spectra Summary

-- R --

rbind Stacking 'Spectra' objects together
rbind.Spectra Stacking 'Spectra' objects together
rbind.SpectraDataFrame Stacking 'Spectra' objects together
res Spectral resolution
res-method Spectral resolution
rnv Standard and Robust Normal Variate transformations

-- S --

separate Separates a 'Spectra*' object into a calibration and a validation set.
separate-method Separates a 'Spectra*' object into a calibration and a validation set.
separate.Spectra Separates a 'Spectra*' object into a calibration and a validation set.
show-method Spectra* classes
snv Standard and Robust Normal Variate transformations
spectacles Spectra* classes
Spectra Constructor for the Spectra class.
spectra Retrieves or sets the spectra of a 'Spectra*' objects.
Spectra-class Spectra* classes
spectra-method Retrieves or sets the spectra of a 'Spectra*' objects.
spectra-methods Retrieves or sets the spectra of a 'Spectra*' objects.
spectra<- Retrieves or sets the spectra of a 'Spectra*' objects.
spectra<--method Retrieves or sets the spectra of a 'Spectra*' objects.
SpectraDataFrame Constructor for the SpectraDataFrame class.
SpectraDataFrame-class Spectra* classes
spectroSummary Calculates performance indictors across resamples
splice Splice correction of a spectra collected using ASD hardware
splice-method Splice correction of a spectra collected using ASD hardware
split Split a Spectra* object using factors
split-method Split a Spectra* object using factors
split.Spectra Split a Spectra* object using factors
subset Subset SpectraDataFrame object
subset-method Subset SpectraDataFrame object
subset.SpectraDataFrame Subset SpectraDataFrame object
summary Summary
summary.Spectra Summary

-- W --

wl Retrieves or sets the wavelengths of a 'Spectra*' object.
wl-method Retrieves or sets the wavelengths of a 'Spectra*' object.
wl<- Retrieves or sets the wavelengths of a 'Spectra*' object.
wl<--method Retrieves or sets the wavelengths of a 'Spectra*' object.
wl_units Wavelengths of Spectra* objects
wl_units-method Wavelengths of Spectra* objects
wl_units<- Wavelengths of Spectra* objects
wl_units<--method Wavelengths of Spectra* objects

-- misc --

$ Extracting and replacing parts of Spectra* objects
$-method Extracting and replacing parts of Spectra* objects
$<- Extracting and replacing parts of Spectra* objects
$<--method Extracting and replacing parts of Spectra* objects
[ Extracting and replacing parts of Spectra* objects
[-method Extracting and replacing parts of Spectra* objects
[<- Extracting and replacing parts of Spectra* objects
[<--method Extracting and replacing parts of Spectra* objects
[[ Extracting and replacing parts of Spectra* objects
[[-method Extracting and replacing parts of Spectra* objects
[[<- Extracting and replacing parts of Spectra* objects
[[<--method Extracting and replacing parts of Spectra* objects