Easy, Fast, and Pretty Specification Curve Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘speccurvieR’ version 0.3.0

Help Pages

bottles CalCOFI Bottle Data
controlExtractor Extracts the control variable names and coefficients from an lm model summary.
duplicate_remover Removes duplicate control variables
formula_builder Builds models formulae with every combination of control variables possible.
paste_factory Paste together controls and independent variable
plotAIC Plots the AIC across model specifications.
plotControlDistributions Plots control variable distributions.
plotCurve Plots a specification curve.
plotDeviance Plots the deviance of residuals across model specifications.
plotR2Adj Plots the adj. R-squared across model specifications.
plotRMSE Plots RMSE across model specifications.
plotVars Plots the variables in each model.
sca Perform specification curve analysis
scp Prepares the output of 'sca()' for plotting.
unAsIs Removes the 'AsIs' class attribute from the input.