spatsurv-package {spatsurv}R Documentation



An R package for spatially correlated parametric proportional hazards survial analysis.




An object of class logical of length 1.


Package: spatsurv
Type: Package
Title: Bayesian Spatial Survival Analysis with Parametric Proportional Hazards Models
Version: 2.0-1
Date: 2023-10-18
Author: Benjamin M. Taylor and Barry S. Rowlingson Additional contributions Ziyu Zheng
Maintainer: Benjamin M. Taylor <>
Description: Bayesian inference for parametric proportional hazards spatial survival models; flexible spatial survival models. See Benjamin M. Taylor, Barry S. Rowlingson (2017) <doi:10.18637/jss.v077.i04>.
License: GPL-3
Imports: survival, sp, spatstat.explore, spatstat.geom, spatstat.random, raster, iterators, fields, Matrix, stringr, sf, RColorBrewer, methods, lubridate
Suggests: rgl
Encoding: UTF-8
RoxygenNote: 7.2.3
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2022-11-22 14:11:17 UTC; taylorb7
Depends: R (>= 2.10)
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2022-11-22 14:30:02 UTC

Index of help topics:

.onAttach               .onAttach function
B                       B function
Bspline.construct       Bspline.construct function
BsplineHaz              BsplineHaz function
CSplot                  CSplot function
Et_PP                   Et_PP function
EvalCov                 EvalCov function
ExponentialCovFct       ExponentialCovFct function
FFTgrid                 FFTgrid function
GammaFromY_SPDE         GammaFromY_SPDE function
GammafromY              GammafromY function
Independent             Independent function
MCE                     MCE function
                        NonSpatialLogLikelihood_or_gradient function
PsplineHaz              PsplineHaz function
QuadApprox              QuadApprox function
SPDE                    SPDE function
SPDEprec                SPDEprec function
                        SpikedExponentialCovFct function
Summarise               Summarise function
TwoWayHazAdditive       TwoWayHazAdditive function
YFromGamma_SPDE         YFromGamma_SPDE function
YfromGamma              YfromGamma function
allocate                allocate function
alpha                   alpha function
baseHazST               baseHazST function
basehazard              basehazard function
                        basehazard.basehazardspec function
baselinehazard          baselinehazard function
                        baselinehazard_multiWay function
betapriorGauss          betapriorGauss function
blockDiag               A function to
boxplotRisk             boxplotRisk function
checkSurvivalData       checkSurvivalData function
circulant               circulant function
circulant.matrix        circulant.matrix function
circulant.numeric       circulant.numeric function
circulantij             circulantij function
covmodel                covmodel function
cumbasehazard           cumbasehazard function
                        cumbasehazard.basehazardspec function
                        cumulativeBspline.construct function
density_PP              density_PP function
densityquantile         densityquantile function
                        densityquantile.basehazardspec function
densityquantile_PP      densityquantile_PP function
                        derivindepGaussianprior function
                        derivindepGaussianpriorST function
derivpsplineprior       derivpsplineprior function
distinfo                distinfo function
                        distinfo.basehazardspec function
estimateY               estimateY function
etapriorGauss           etapriorGauss function
exponentialHaz          exponentialHaz function
fixParHaz               fixParHaz function
fixedpars               fixedpars function
fixmatrix               fixmatrix function
frailtylag1             frailtylag1 function
fs                      London Fire Brigade property
fstimes                 London Fire Brigade response times to dwelling
                        fires, 2009
gamma2risk              gamma2risk function
gencens                 gencens function
getBbasis               getBbasis function
getGrid                 getGrid function
getOptCellwidth         getOptCellwidth function
getbb                   getbb function
getcov                  getcov function
getgrd                  getgrd function
getleneta               getleneta function
getparranges            getparranges function
getsurvdata             getsurvdata function
gompertzHaz             gompertzHaz function
gradbasehazard          gradbasehazard function
                        gradbasehazard.basehazardspec function
gradcumbasehazard       gradcumbasehazard function
                        gradcumbasehazard.basehazardspec function
grid2spdf               grid2spdf function
grid2spix               grid2spix function
grid2spts               grid2spts function
gridY                   gridY function
gridY_polygonal         gridY_polygonal function
guess_t                 guess_t function
hasNext                 generic hasNext method
hasNext.iter            hasNext.iter function
hazard_PP               hazard_PP function
hazardexceedance        hazardexceedance function
hazardpars              hazardpars function
hessbasehazard          hessbasehazard function
                        hessbasehazard.basehazardspec function
hesscumbasehazard       hesscumbasehazard function
                        hesscumbasehazard.basehazardspec function
imputationModel         imputationModel function
indepGaussianprior      indepGaussianprior function
indepGaussianpriorST    indepGaussianpriorST function
inference.control       inference.control function
insert                  insert function
invtransformweibull     invtransformweibull function
is.burnin               is this a burn-in iteration?
is.retain               do we retain this iteration?
iteration               iteration number
logPosterior            logPosterior function
logPosterior_SPDE       logPosterior_SPDE function
logPosterior_gridded    logPosterior_gridded function
                        logPosterior_polygonal function
loop.mcmc               loop over an iterator
makehamHaz              makehamHaz function
maxlikparamPHsurv       maxlikparamPHsurv function
mcmcLoop                iterator for MCMC loops
mcmcPriors              mcmcPriors function
mcmcProgressNone        null progress monitor
mcmcProgressPrint       printing progress monitor
mcmcProgressTextBar     text bar progress monitor
mcmcpars                mcmcpars function
midpts                  midpts function
multiWayHaz             multiWayHaz function
neighLocs               neighLocs function
neighOrder              neighOrder function
nextStep                next step of an MCMC chain
omegapriorGauss         omegapriorGauss function
omegapriorGaussST       omegapriorGaussST function
optifix                 optifix function
plot.FFTgrid            plot.FFTgrid function
plotsurv                plotsurv function
polyadd                 polyadd function
polymult                polymult function
posteriorcov            posteriorcov function
predict.mcmcspatsurv    predict.mcmcspatsurv function
print.mcmc              print.mcmc function
print.mcmcspatsurv      print.mcmcspatsurv function
print.mlspatsurv        print.mlspatsurv function
print.textSummary       print.textSummary function
priorposterior          priorposterior function
proposalVariance        proposalVariance function
proposalVariance_SPDE   proposalVariance_SPDE function
                        proposalVariance_gridded function
                        proposalVariance_polygonal function
psplineRWprior          psplineRWprior function
psplineprior            psplineprior function
quantile.mcmcspatsurv   quantile.mcmcspatsurv function
quantile.mlspatsurv     quantile.mlspatsurv function
randompars              randompars function function function
resetLoop               reset iterator
                        resuiduals.mcmcspatsurv function
rootWeibullHaz          rootWeibullHaz function
setTxtProgressBar2      set the progress bar
setupHazard             setupHazard function
setupPrecMatStruct      setupPrecMatStruct function
showGrid                showGrid function
simsurv                 simsurv function
spatialpars             spatialpars function
spatsurv-package        spatsurv
spatsurvVignette        spatsurvVignette function
summary.mcmc            summary.mcmc function
summary.mcmcspatsurv    summary.mcmcspatsurv function
surv3d                  Spatial Survival Plot in 3D
survival_PP             survival_PP function
survspat                survspat function
survspatNS              survspatNS function
textSummary             textSummary function
timevaryingPL           timevaryingPL function
tpowHaz                 tpowHaz function
transformweibull        transformweibull function
txtProgressBar2         A text progress bar with label
vcov.mcmcspatsurv       vcov.mcmcspatsurv function
vcov.mlspatsurv         vcov.mlspatsurv function
weibullHaz              weibullHaz function


The package spatsurv depends upon some other important contributions to CRAN in order to operate; their uses here are indicated:

survival, sp, spatstat, raster, iterators, RandomFields, fields, rgl, Matrix, stringr, RColorBrewer, geostatsp.


To cite use of spatsurv, the user may refer to the following work:

Benjamin M. Taylor and Barry S. Rowlingson (2017).
spatsurv: An R Package for Bayesian Inference with Spatial Survival Models.
Journal of Statistical Software, 77(4), 1-32, doi:10.18637/jss.v077.i04.




Benjamin Taylor, Health and Medicine, Lancaster University, Barry Rowlingson, Health and Medicine, Lancaster University

[Package spatsurv version 2.0-1 Index]