AreaInter {spatstat.model}R Documentation

The Area Interaction Point Process Model


Creates an instance of the Area Interaction point process model (Widom-Rowlinson penetrable spheres model) which can then be fitted to point pattern data.





The radius of the discs in the area interaction process


This function defines the interpoint interaction structure of a point process called the Widom-Rowlinson penetrable sphere model or area-interaction process. It can be used to fit this model to point pattern data.

The function ppm(), which fits point process models to point pattern data, requires an argument of class "interact" describing the interpoint interaction structure of the model to be fitted. The appropriate description of the area interaction structure is yielded by the function AreaInter(). See the examples below.

In standard form, the area-interaction process (Widom and Rowlinson, 1970; Baddeley and Van Lieshout, 1995) with disc radius rr, intensity parameter κ\kappa and interaction parameter γ\gamma is a point process with probability density

f(x1,,xn)=ακn(x)γA(x) f(x_1,\ldots,x_n) = \alpha \kappa^{n(x)} \gamma^{-A(x)}

for a point pattern xx, where x1,,xnx_1,\ldots,x_n represent the points of the pattern, n(x)n(x) is the number of points in the pattern, and A(x)A(x) is the area of the region formed by the union of discs of radius rr centred at the points x1,,xnx_1,\ldots,x_n. Here α\alpha is a normalising constant.

The interaction parameter γ\gamma can be any positive number. If γ=1\gamma = 1 then the model reduces to a Poisson process with intensity κ\kappa. If γ<1\gamma < 1 then the process is regular, while if γ>1\gamma > 1 the process is clustered. Thus, an area interaction process can be used to model either clustered or regular point patterns. Two points interact if the distance between them is less than 2r2r.

The standard form of the model, shown above, is a little complicated to interpret in practical applications. For example, each isolated point of the pattern xx contributes a factor κγπr2\kappa \gamma^{-\pi r^2} to the probability density.

In spatstat, the model is parametrised in a different form, which is easier to interpret. In canonical scale-free form, the probability density is rewritten as

f(x1,,xn)=αβn(x)ηC(x) f(x_1,\ldots,x_n) = \alpha \beta^{n(x)} \eta^{-C(x)}

where β\beta is the new intensity parameter, η\eta is the new interaction parameter, and C(x)=B(x)n(x)C(x) = B(x) - n(x) is the interaction potential. Here

B(x)=A(x)πr2 B(x) = \frac{A(x)}{\pi r^2}

is the normalised area (so that the discs have unit area). In this formulation, each isolated point of the pattern contributes a factor β\beta to the probability density (so the first order trend is β\beta). The quantity C(x)C(x) is a true interaction potential, in the sense that C(x)=0C(x) = 0 if the point pattern xx does not contain any points that lie close together (closer than 2r2r units apart).

When a new point uu is added to an existing point pattern xx, the rescaled potential C(x)-C(x) increases by a value between 0 and 1. The increase is zero if uu is not close to any point of xx. The increase is 1 if the disc of radius rr centred at uu is completely contained in the union of discs of radius rr centred at the data points xix_i. Thus, the increase in potential is a measure of how close the new point uu is to the existing pattern xx. Addition of the point uu contributes a factor βηδ\beta \eta^\delta to the probability density, where δ\delta is the increase in potential.

The old parameters κ,γ\kappa,\gamma of the standard form are related to the new parameters β,η\beta,\eta of the canonical scale-free form, by

β=κγπr2=κ/η \beta = \kappa \gamma^{-\pi r^2} = \kappa /\eta


η=γπr2 \eta = \gamma^{\pi r^2}

provided γ\gamma and κ\kappa are positive and finite.

In the canonical scale-free form, the parameter η\eta can take any nonnegative value. The value η=1\eta = 1 again corresponds to a Poisson process, with intensity β\beta. If η<1\eta < 1 then the process is regular, while if η>1\eta > 1 the process is clustered. The value η=0\eta = 0 corresponds to a hard core process with hard core radius rr (interaction distance 2r2r).

The nonstationary area interaction process is similar except that the contribution of each individual point xix_i is a function β(xi)\beta(x_i) of location, rather than a constant beta.

Note the only argument of AreaInter() is the disc radius r. When r is fixed, the model becomes an exponential family. The canonical parameters log(β)\log(\beta) and log(η)\log(\eta) are estimated by ppm(), not fixed in AreaInter().


An object of class "interact" describing the interpoint interaction structure of the area-interaction process with disc radius rr.


The interaction distance of this process is equal to 2 * r. Two discs of radius r overlap if their centres are closer than 2 * r units apart.

The estimate of the interaction parameter η\eta is unreliable if the interaction radius r is too small or too large. In these situations the model is approximately Poisson so that η\eta is unidentifiable. As a rule of thumb, one can inspect the empty space function of the data, computed by Fest. The value F(r)F(r) of the empty space function at the interaction radius r should be between 0.2 and 0.8.


Adrian Baddeley and Rolf Turner


Baddeley, A.J. and Van Lieshout, M.N.M. (1995). Area-interaction point processes. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 47 (1995) 601–619.

Widom, B. and Rowlinson, J.S. (1970). New model for the study of liquid-vapor phase transitions. The Journal of Chemical Physics 52 (1970) 1670–1684.

See Also

ppm,, ppm.object

ragsAreaInter and rmh for simulation of area-interaction models.



   # prints a sensible description of itself

   # Note the reach is twice the radius

   # Fit the stationary area interaction process to Swedish Pines data
   ppm(swedishpines ~1, AreaInter(r=7))

   # Fit the stationary area interaction process to `cells'
   ppm(cells ~1, AreaInter(r=0.06))
   # eta=0 indicates hard core process.

   # Fit a nonstationary area interaction with log-cubic polynomial trend
     ppm(swedishpines ~polynom(x/10,y/10,3), AreaInter(r=7))


[Package spatstat.model version 3.3-1 Index]