pyramidal {}R Documentation

Pyramidal Neurons in Cingulate Cortex


Point patterns giving the locations of pyramidal neurons in micrographs from area 24, layer 2 of the cingulate cortex in the human brain. There is one point pattern from each of 31 human subjects. The subjects are divided into three groups: controls (12 subjects), schizoaffective (9 subjects) and schizophrenic (10 subjects).

Each point pattern is recorded in a unit square region; the unit of measurement is unknown.

These data were introduced and analysed by Diggle, Lange and Benes (1991).




pyramidal is a hyperframe with 31 rows, one row for each subject. It has a column named Neurons containing the point patterns of neuron locations, and a column named group which is a factor with levels "control", "schizoaffective", "schizophrenic" identifying the grouping of subjects.


Peter Diggle's website.


Diggle, P.J., Lange, N. and Benes, F.M. (1991). Analysis of variance for replicated spatial point patterns in clinical neuroanatomy. Journal of the American Statistical Association 86, 618–625.


  if(require(spatstat.geom)) {
pyr <- pyramidal
pyr$grp <- abbreviate(pyramidal$group, minlength=7)
plot(pyr, quote(plot(Neurons, pch=16, main=grp)), main="Pyramidal Neurons")

[Package version 3.1-2 Index]